
UCL East


UCL East academic appointed to UK’s Climate Change Committee

3 February 2021

Kate Jones, a UCL East academic, will be providing governments with independent, expert advice on preparing for and adapting to climate change as part of her role on the Adaptation Committee of the Climate Change Committee.

Headshot of Kate Jones

Professor Kate Jones (UCL Biosciences) has been newly appointed as an expert adviser for a year.

The Adaptation Committee, an advisory Non-Departmental Public Body created under the Climate Change Act (2008), advises the Government on how the UK can prepare for the changing climate to limit the risks to people and businesses across the UK.

Jones is Professor of Ecology and Biodiversity in UCL’s Department of Genetics, Evolution & Environment. She is a world-leading ecologist whose work focuses on crossing disciplinary boundaries to address critical global challenges, especially at the interface of ecological and human health. She has made key advances in monitoring the status and trends in biodiversity and particularly in modelling and forecasting zoonotic disease outbreaks in humans (Ebola, SARS), breaking down traditional barriers between ecology, climate change and public health to inform global policy.

Professor Jones is one of the academic leads for UCL East, UCL's new interdisciplinary campus opening on Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in 2022. She directs the Nature-Smart Centre – an environmental solutions hub focused on the links between human and planetary health.

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