Student Evaluation Questionnaires (SEQs) can now be managed through Moodle
9 September 2020
Departments invited to ask for set-up support by 18 September and respond to survey of SEQ practice across UCL.

Online Student Evaluation Questionnaires (SEQs) can now be managed through Moodle.
The new SEQ system means departments who usually run module evaluations on paper forms in-class can still provide SEQs for their students. This enables UCL to meet our quality assurance requirements and provide a Student Voice in a remote learning environment.
Departments are welcome to move their online SEQs to this UCL supported platform, or continue to use their current online SEQ platform (Opinio, Microsoft Forms, Surveymonkey, etc).
The Student Partnership team will support adoption of the new system, including providing interns who can set up your SEQs for them on Moodle. We will also publishing guidance on how to set up your department’s SEQs.
Tell us what you need!
To help us understand the level of assistance required from departments, departmental Connected Learning Leads (or other member(s) of staff nominated by the Connected Learning Lead) asked to complete this short form. This will remain open until the 18 September. There will be a second expression of interest in October.
The project team aims to have all work completed by the end of November, ready for end of term evaluations in Term 1.
The Student Partnerships team would also like to hear from departments using other online platforms, to build a picture of current SEQ processes across UCL.
More information
Read more information about the SEQs project or see other projects supporting the student experience this year.
Contact: Yusuf Ozkizil, Project Manager - Student Engagement, Office of the Vice-Provost Education and Student Affairs.
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