New Introductory Programme prepares students for academic life at UCL
12 July 2020
Preview a new online programme that will introduce UCL students to the past, present and future of UCL, and prepare them for joining an academic community of disruptive thinkers.

An exciting new Introductory Programme forms part of students’ first contact with UCL and provides them with an academic, pastoral, social and physical orientation of the University.
New students will be able to access the fully online programme after they complete their online pre-enrolment, but we invite staff to preview it now ahead of its launch to students.
Intellectual life at UCL
The ‘New students’ page and ‘Countdown to UCL’ campaign signposts incoming students to lots of useful guides on the many practical things to consider ahead of starting in September: finance, accommodation, induction etc.
The Introductory Programme complements these by focusing less on how to settle in at university, and more about what it really means to study, and become part of the academic community at UCL
Whether they’re joining us on campus or remotely, this new resource will:
inspire our incoming students with stories about UCL minds - people who have done and continue to do imaginative, creative problem-solving and research;
immerse them in UCL’s tradition of disruptive thinking, and the brilliant, sometimes questionable ideas born here;
get students thinking critically and instil a sense of wonder at the complex world opened up by the University and its research.
Introducing the origins and discoveries of a global university
The Introductory Programme is a journey through a series of stories, images, videos and interactive activities under three themes:
UCL Origins
Discovery at UCL
Global London

Introductory Programme themes
Students can explore the themes and objects in any order, in their own time, at their own pace.
Each object takes a multi-disciplinary approach and tells a story about aspects of Bloomsbury and UCL e.g. its history, its research, its architecture, its social impact, its people etc., including Jeremy Bentham, Phineas (UCL Origins); Grant museum, Green UCL (Discovery at UCL); and Gustave Tuck, Black Bloomsbury (Global London).

Global London theme: Introduction to the Black Bloomsbury 'Object'

Origins theme: Feedback exercise on the Wilkins Building

Discovery theme: Sustainability tour in the Green UCL 'Object'
As students work through the stories behind each of the objects, they will be exposed to a variety of ideas and concepts associated with the object but also encounter other facilities and locations that will support their academic life and wellbeing e.g. libraries, student union, cafes, catering outlets etc.
Exploring the programme, students will build up a physical picture of UCL and its place in London, bringing them into this exciting world before they arrive – especially important for students who may have to delay their on-campus experience.
Access the Introductory Programme [UCL login required]
Spread the word
The Introductory Programme will be shared with new students in the ‘Countdown to UCL’ campaign from mid-August. We encourage staff to explore the IP’s objects and promote the resource to new and returning students.
Personal tutors might also find it useful to make use of the Introductory Programme’s content as a basis for early conversations with their tutees as they settle into life as a member of the UCL community.
We will provide some promotional materials to help you spread the word as students gain access later this summer.
Should you experience any technical issues, please let the team know via the FAQs and Support link accessible from the menu on the IP website.
For all other questions or feedback, please contact Louise Pollock, Office of Vice-Provost (Education & Student Affairs).