Resources and tips to support your students during the examination period
15 April 2019
The main UCL exam period is from Tuesday 23 April until Friday 07 June. Here are some top tips to support your students during this period.

The exam period can be stressful for students.
Here are some top tips and resources from across UCL and externally to sign-post your students to if they need support.
- Exam success guide
- Extenuating circumstances
- External and emergency support
- Telephone and online counselling
- UCL Chaplain & Interfaith Advisor
- Late summer assessments
- Supporting disabled students during exams - events for staff
- UCL Student Support and wellbeing (SSW) drop-in
- UCL Student Support and wellbeing blog
- Wardens and Student Residence Advisers
Exam success guide
The Exam Success Guide will help your students perform at the best of your ability on the day of your exam and get the best possible results.
UCL’s Extenuating Circumstances process
If a student’s assessments are disrupted by serious events like illness or bereavement they can apply for ‘Extenuating Circumstances.’ These are events that are sudden, significantly disruptive and beyond the individual’s control. Support for students experiencing these events include extensions and deferrals of assessment.
Find out more about Extenuating Circumstances:
- UCL Extenuating Circumstances regulations
- Defer an exam or assessment
- A comprehensive guide for all students about UCL's Extenuating Circumstances process
External and emergency support
The Samaritans can be contacted on 116 123 at any time and everything is discussed in confidence.
Central London Samaritans also provides emotional support and a drop-in service from 9am to 9pm every day at 46 Marshall Street, London W1F 9BF.
In an emergency, always phone 999 or make your way to the Accident and Emergency department at your local hospital.
The closest A&E to UCL is at University College Hospital.
24/7 Telephone and online counselling
UCL 24/7 Student Support Line offers free, confidential wellbeing support, available for students in the UK, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
UCL Chaplain and interfaith advisor
The Reverend Charlotte Bradley, the UCL Chaplain, is available to listen and talk in complete confidence to all members of UCL, regardless of religious belief, about any concerns or issueUs they might have. She can also provide information for those of all faiths and nationalities looking to find a place of worship to attend in London.
If students would like to discuss issues around religion and faith, they should get in touch with Charlotte to arrange a suitable time to meet in person or talk over the phone.
Contact Charlotte:
- Phone: +44 (0) 20 3108 9842
- Mobile: +44 (0) 7890 038 722
- Email:
- Find out more on Religion and Faith at UCL.
Late Summer Assessments
If a student fails or defers their assessment, they will be able to resist in late summer.
The late summer period for centrally-administered examinations will take place from 19 August to 06 September 2019.
Suporting disabled students during exams
Student Support and Wellbeing will explain the reasonable adjustments (SoRA) for exams and how to put adjustments into practice, book online, Thursday 02 May 10am to 12pm.
UCL Student support and wellbeing drop-in sessions and appointments
The easiest and fastest way to access support is for a student to attend one of SSW's drop-in sessions.
These take place adjacent to the Student Enquiries Centre on Floor 1 of the Student Centre every day that UCL is open.
At the drop-in, students will be able to see one of our Disability, Mental Health and Wellbeing Advisers, who will have an open conversation with you about how to look after yourself through the exam period and the support available, based entirely on their needs.
Appointments are typically up to 20 minutes with an Adviser at a drop-in session. If the session needs to be longer, you can contact SSW to book a longer appointment.
Contact SSW:
- Phone: +44 (0) 20 7679 0100
- Email:
Find out more about drop-in sessions and appointments, including times.
Student support and wellbeing blog
Top tips on mental health, exam preparation and handling stress can be found on the Student Support and Wellbeing blog.
Wardens and Student Residence Advisers (SRAs)
There are Wardens and Student Residence Advisers at most UCL residences and can be contacted if students need support or advice.
Over the exam period, the SRAs in each hall will be running drop-in sessions for students to talk through any worries they may be having and get advice on how to handle exam-related stress.
No appointment is needed - students can just turn up on the day.
SRAs will be available to have a supportive chat at the following times, from Tuesday 23 April onwards:
- Tuesdays, 7pm-8pm
- Thursdays, 7pm-8pm
- Sundays, 11am-12pm
These drop-in sessions will be held in the common room at all halls, except at Goldsmid House (site office), Gower Street House (site office) and Stapleton House (first floor wellbeing room).