Reducing carbon at UCL
The UCL Sustainability Strategy 2019-24 sets out UCL’s approach to reducing carbon and a detailed Carbon Reduction Framework to manage carbon is in development and will be published in 2024.
Overall responsibility for delivering on UCL’s carbon management activity resides with the Assistant Director for Sustainability and in 2023/24 a budget of £1.9m has been allocated for delivery.
Our carbon reduction programme is overseen by the UCL Energy Management Working Group, which reports to UCL Sustainability Committee and ultimately to UCL Council. Progress on our carbon management activity is reported publicly via the Sustainable UCL Annual Report.
Please see our programmes below on how we are reducing carbon across the university from procurement, to travel and energy reduction.
Using insight from our research is at the heart of our carbon reduction. Learn about our new Grand Challenge on Climate linking academic research with carbon reduction on campus.
> Grand Challenge on Climate