


UCL East

Working with your Business Partner

Giovanna Amorosi is a named SSW contact for colleagues at UCL East. Giovanna can offer information and guidance on student opportunities and support in relation to student health and wellbeing. This includes:

  • Supporting colleagues with complex student cases to ensure students receive holistic and well-coordinated support
  • Support with implementation and enactment of student Statement of Reasonable Adjustment (SORA) documents
  • Promoting SSW services and ensuring colleagues have an excellent understanding of how best to signpost or refer students to these services
  • Information on key SSW developments, initiatives and changes 
  • Fostering a culture of care, wellbeing and inclusion
  • Identifying local training needs in relation to student support and helping to implement appropriate solutions

Contacting your Business Partner 

If you would like to meet with Giovanna to dicuss a specific case or seek general guidance on best practice in student support please contact Giovanna to arrange a suitable time.