


Module reselection

How to find out the status of your module selections and make changes if you have been unsuccessful in securing your preferred module.


Log in to Portico and click the My Studies tab in the navigation bar (Fig.1)


Module selections require approval from your parent/home department- and the module teaching department if required. When your modules are approved, you will see Approved Fully in the Status coloumn (Fig.1) If any of your module selections have not yet been reviewed or are pending, in the Status column they will read Pending Teaching Review or Pending Parent Review (Fig.2). Please contact the relevant department for an update on when your selections may be reviewed.

Portico Module Selections Approved Fully
Fig.1- Portico Module Selection Fully Approved

Portico Module Selections Pending Review
Fig.2- Portico Module Selections Pending Review


If any of the modules you selected are unavailable, they will appear under 'Unavailable Module Selection for 2024/25' If you hover your mouse over the information icon under the Status column it will display the reason for reselection. If this is the case you will need to select an alternative module.

the ‘Unavailable Module Selection for 2022/23 – Please select alternatives’ container
Fig.3- Portico Unavailable Module Selection for 2022/23


You can reselect an alternative module by clicking on the Select Alternative Module button- (Fig.4), which will take you to a new page with a drop down menu.

Select Alternative Module Button
Click on the drop-down arrow to select from a list of alternative modules from within the same collection (Fig.5) and click next.

Drop Down Menu
Fig. 5- Portico Select Alternative Module Drop Down


You will receive confirmation of this alternative selection. Click Done (Fig.6).

Click done icon to confirm selection
Fig.6- Portico Alternative Module Confirmation


You can view the alternative module selection chosen in the Unavailable Module Selection for 2024/25 box while it awaits approval (Fig.7).

Fig.7- Portico Alternative Module Confirmation Main