


Need help? We've got you - introducing the Advice Service

2 December 2020

The Students' Union UCL's Advice Service offers honest advice and makes every effort to help students through any problem they are having.

advice service

The Union offers a free and confidential advice service to all students currently registered at UCL, prospective students, students taking a break from their course and students who have recently completed their studies. Whether you are an undergraduate or postgraduate, from the UK or overseas, straight out of college or returning to study, the Advice Service at the Union gives you support that’s tailored to meet your specific needs, helping guide you through any problems. 

The service is staffed by fully trained, experienced and non-judgmental advisors who work to empower all UCL students make informed decisions and get the best resolution possible in every situation. The team advise on a wide range of subjects; including academic issues, housing and accommodation, personal safety, employment, money and debt. 

The Advice Service informs, supports and advocates for UCL students offering neutral advice, without bias and influence of any outside organisations (including the University itself). The team will be open and honest with you at all times, working hard to make their advice easy to understand and making sure the service is simple to access for all.

Usually you can arrange an appointment with an advisor by just popping along to the Advice Service Reception which is based in 25 Gordon Street (on the 1st Floor), by telephone or by email. Appointments are offered in person, by telephone and through Microsoft Teams. To reflect the changing national guidance and UCL’s response to the current Coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak, we have suspended all face-to-face advice and closed our reception until further notice. We’re still making sure you have our full support so we’re available via email, telephone and video/voice chat on Microsoft Teams until we are able to reopen. Currently, the best way to contact our advisors is by using our contact form or by emailing su.advice@ucl.ac.uk

The advisors work all year round, including the Easter and summer breaks, so you can get in touch at any point in the year. The service aims to reply to enquiries as soon as possible, and in any event within a maximum of 5 working days. Every effort is made to prioritise urgent matters with upcoming deadlines wherever possible. 

If you have a question, if you need support or if you are just unsure and want to talk to someone impartial, Students’ Union UCL’s Advice Service is here to help!

Ferdouse Ahkter, UCL Students' Union