


Podcasts and personal development: The Iron Cowboy

06 May 2021, 5:00 pm–5:30 pm

Student on laptop

No prior listening required! This series will use The School of Greatness podcasts to think about how we can develop ourselves and achieve our goals meaningfully.

This event is free.

Event Information

Open to

UCL students






Lily Baker Haynes

Mitesh Vagadia from Student Support and Wellbeing will introduce several snippets from one podcast episode per week to get into discussions around personal development, and how we can focus on developing ourselves in a positive manner. He’ll also talk about things that he has found useful to learn about personal growth and useful approaches to take when thinking about the topic. You’re guaranteed to learn something new, whether it’s from someone’s experiences, outlook on life or something else!

To start off this series, we’ll be delving into Episode 653 of The School of Greatness podcast, hosted by Lewis Howes. In this episode, Howes speaks to James Lawrence, the Iron Cowboy. Lawrence completed 50 Ironman triathlons in 50 days – a huge test of mental and physical strength and endurance. He talks about mental barriers to achieving greatness, which will be the departure point for today’s discussion. We’ll also be thinking about how your mindset can shape your approach and support you to achieve – which will be beneficial with exams coming up.