Student Recruitment

Activities in the UK include running UCL's Open Days, representation at UCAS and other HE fairs, school visits, conversion events and on-campus activity including campus tours for prospective students.
Internationally, the team works in close collaboration with guidance counsellors at international and bi-lingual schools, and with the British Council and local education bodies. The team, often accompanied by staff from academic departments, also represents UCL at events around the world, meeting prospective students who are interested in all levels of study.
The team provides help and guidance for departments wishing to promote their undergraduate and graduate (taught or research) programmes. All the work undertaken by the team is underpinned by research, which enables us to understand the different markets as well as develop a deep knowledge of the opportunities for all the different subjects offered at UCL.
Prospectus and resources
- Where can I find copies of the prospectuses?
The prospectuses are available online - Undergraduate Prospectus and Graduate Prospectus, and Teacher Training.
In addition, the following are also available - Summer School, Study Abroad and Short Courses and CPD.
Some of the prospectuses are also available to download in PDF format:
- Access Undergraduate Prospectus PDF
- Access Graduate Prospectuses PDFs (Graduate, Discover Research at UCL, and Teacher Training Programmes)
- Access Study Abroad PDF
- Where can I find information on admission fees, funding, entry requirements, etc?
All relevant information is included under each prospectus online - Undergraduate Prospectus and Graduate Prospectus, and Teacher Training.
And likewise for - Short Courses and CPD, Summer School, and Study Abroad.
- Is information available for counsellors and teachers who advise students about university choices?
Yes, the Student Recruitment team has developed online resources for those who advise students about university choices. Go to Information for Teachers and Counsellors.
- Where can I find information on entry and visa requirements for a specific country?
For details, go to the International Students website and the Immigration and Visas section.
- The website needs updating. Who should I contact?
For updates or corrections to the online prospectuses (undergraduate, graduate, teacher training, summer school and study abroad), contact
For queries about short courses and CPD, contact
For updates to other web pages, contact
Recruitment events and visits
- Where can I find information on school liaison visits?
The Student Recruitment team visits schools all over the UK, please get in touch with if you would like to get involved or know of a school that wants to visit the campus.
The Access and Widening Participation team runs a dedicated scheme to increase access to UCL. Please see here details for teachers and education professionals, and for learners.
- Is there a programme of recruitment fairs attended by the team? Can we join in?
Go to our Open Days, Tours and Visits page for details, including info on UCAS fairs and events in the UK, and UCL visits abroad.
If you would like to join us, please contact the relevant team member for the UK/Europe or for the rest of the world.
- Is there help available for running open days (on campus and online)?
Visit our Open Days pages for the latest information on UCL’s undergraduate open days and postgraduate open evenings.
For info on running an Open Day, contact or call the Student Recruitment team on 02076793000.
For general guidance on the various steps and aspects of running a UCL event, check UCL events toolkit.
- Where can I find out more about our campus tours?
Visit our Campus Tours pages for details on guided tours, self-guided tours and on how to get to the campus.
If you have any questions, contact
- Can you help with assembling a programme for delegates?
If there is a recruitment element, contact the relevant team member for the UK/Europe or for the rest of the world.
Also, if outside of the UK, liaise with the relevant country lead.
- Can you help travelling academics with organising recruitment activities?
If you are a member of academic staff travelling abroad, and would have time to visit a local school to talk briefly about UCL and your subject, the Student Recruitment team can make all the arrangements for you. Contact for more information.
- Can you help with receiving a visitor (any visitor)?
If there is a recruitment element, contact the relevant team member for the UK/Europe or for the rest of the world.
Also, if the visitors come from outside of the UK, liaise with the relevant country lead.
- What is the Student Ambassador scheme? Can we get an ambassador to help with our event?
Student ambassadors play a key role in our recruitment efforts - offering a students' point of view to visitors and sharing their opinions and experience about going to university. We run two distinct student ambassadors schemes, one managed by Widening Participation and one by the Student Recruitment team.
If you are a member of UCL staff and need Student Ambassadors to support a widening participation activity, you may request the help of a Student Ambassador from the Widening Participation Student Ambassador Scheme.
If you require help with more generic student recruitment activities, please contact
Recruitment advice and support
- Where can I find general recruitment advice?
For general advice, please browse the information and FAQs on this page, or contact with specific queries.
You can also refer to our 'Representing UCL' brochure, which aims to brief members of academic staff and alumni volunteers, on student recruitment issues. The brochure can be downloaded from Sharepoint, click on the link to request access - Representing UCL brochure (PDF)
- Where can find data insights in relation to student recruitment?
A number of dashboards are available through Tableau - giving access to data on admission & enrolment, education & student experience, sector benchmarking and research programmes. Contact UCL Data & Insights.
- Where can I find information and resources for recruiting in a specific country?
For background information on individual countries, go to the country search and contact the relevant country lead.
- Can you help with listings on 3rd party websites (eg Prospects, FindAPhD, FindAmasters, etc)
The MarComms team in CAM has responsibility for UCL’s central presence on the following listing sites:, and All UCL’s PGT programme listings on these sites are maintained and updated centrally in line with the UCL graduate prospectus.
If you would like to list a degree programme which has been approved and added to the online UCL prospectus after the prospectus’ launch, please contact
For additional paid advertising opportunities (featured listings, banners etc.) on the above and other listing sites, please contact UCL’s media buying agency, Adgen, on or the CAM Advertising team on
- Where can I find advice and resources for running an advertising campaign / working with Adgen?
The Social and Advertising team within CAM's MarComms team have developed a range of resources and guides to help you set up and manage advertising campaigns (in particular campaigns to recruit students). For details, refer to CAM campaigns and promotion page.
- What are the legal implications with regards to communications with prospective students?
The Compliance team in Student and Registry Services (SRS) provides UCL staff with the guidance and support to ensure that all prospective and current student communications meet our consumer protection obligations.
SRS have also recently launched an online training course around students' consumer protection. The course provides an overview of the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) guidelines for consumer protection at UCL.
For details, go to our Consumer Protection pages.
- Can alumni get help with promoting their activities (eg new society, event, pre-departure)?
UCL alumni wanting to stay connected with their UCL peers, can do so through the many alumni clubs and community networks, run by volunteers. Go to Alumni clubs and networks.
- Are you involved at all in recruitment activities for the Summer School?
The Student Recruitment team lead on recruitment activities for the Summer School, in collaboration with UCL Centre for Languages and International Education (CLIE). Rory Herron (SR) and Rhod Fiorini (CLIE) are the key contacts.
- Are you involved in recruitment activities related to affiliate fee paying programmes?
Student Recruitment lead on this activity. The Study Abroad Guide is the main recruitment tool.
Reciprocal exchanges including Erasmus+ are managed by Go Abroad part of Student Support and Wellbeing.
- Can you help with queries regarding rejected applications?
Please contact the relevant Programme lead / Admissions tutor. Details can be found via the online prospectuses.