Tatyana Kinsey gained a Degree in English at Kalinin State University, Russia where she also undertook a post-graduate course in Linguistics. She held a lecturer's position at the same university and had several papers published concerning the development of verbal phrases and idioms. Tanya has been teaching at SSEES since 2003 but since 1979 has taught Russian Language, Literature and History at several other institutes, including the University of Westminster, City Literary Institute and North London Collegiate School (where she is Head of Russian). Her teaching experience has covered all levels from ab initio to post degree. In 1988/1989 she travelled extensively within the then USSR working as an interpreter and researcher for the BBC on a series of programmes for Schools Television entitled "The Soviet Union". Later she also worked as an interpreter on the "Horizon" programme. Over the last few years she has devised and delivered a series of courses upon 19th and 20th century Russian Literature, a subject area for which she has a particular fondness.