Course description: The Lower Intermediate Course in Estonian is offered to students who have already completed the Beginners’ course and wish to deepen their knowledge of Estonian language and culture, or are more familiar with these through regular visits to and contacts with the country. The course runs over three ten-week terms and each session is two hours long. It further develops all four skills: reading, writing, speaking and listening.
Topics: In this course the students get the opportunity to actively engage their conversational skills in Estonian on a wide range of everyday topics as well as practical everyday concerns in Estonian life: shopping, visits to the doctor, dealing with authorities, housing and social life.
Functions: Idiomatic use of both spoken and written Estonian is further developed. Students are encouraged to contribute study materials of their own if they wish, relating to topics of particular interest to them. Extensive use is made of the Estonian media and Internet sources. An introduction to Estonian literature is provided.
Grammar: Students gain a more confident grasp of the grammar already taught, and there is plenty of opportunity to practice the patterns and idioms learned so far.
Study materials: These will be provided by the teacher, but a supplementary textbook is T nagu Tallinn (M.Pesti & H.Ahi, 2006).