
Student and Registry Services


New Academic Manual Pages

20 October 2021

Pages for the new suite of regulations to support student assessment in 2021-22

UCL Education Committee has recently approved a new suite of regulations to support student assessment in 2021-22. To accompany this, the Academic Manual and Students’ website have been refreshed to help staff and students find information more easily. 

This includes: 

All Covid-19 and No Detriment Policies have been moved to a new, dedicated section of the Academic Manual. 

The Extenuating Circumstances pages in the Academic Manual have been refreshed to help students navigate the policy. 

Staff-facing information about exams and assessments in 2021-22 can be found in the new Assessment Operating Model section of the Academic Manual. 

Student regulations for exams, take-home papers, practical exams, coursework etc. can be found in the new Student Regulations for Exams and Assessments section of the Academic Manual. 

The Academic Integrity student pages now include case studies and UCL Arena’s new ‘Understanding Academic Integrity and Developing Good Academic Practice at UCL’ online course for students. 

The Exams and Assessments student pages have been refreshed and will continue to be developed over the coming year.

The Assessment operating model and student regulations for 2021-22 now available staff article also includes all of the key changes for staff this year.

