
Student and Registry Services


Updated Academic Integrity Course and Website

22 November 2021

Student course and website on Academic Integrity have been updated

Academic Integrity Course

During the summer UCL Arena developed a new online and self-paced course to help students understand Academic Integrity. 

This course is designed to help UCL students to develop good academic practice for completing assessments, and will help students develop an understanding of when poor practice becomes academic misconduct, what the consequences can be of plagiarism and other forms of academic misconduct, including collusion and contract cheating, and receive useful ideas for working with sources to help present their own arguments. The new course will demonstrate the importance of academic integrity, and give students some tools for developing it in their own work.

The course also contains numerous case studies to help students understand exactly what can constitute Academic Misconduct.

Full instructions on accessing the course are available via the Student Academic Integrity website via:

Understanding Academic Integrity

Updated Academic Integrity Website

In addition to the new course, the Academic Integrity website has now been updated to ensure these are now in-line with the changes made for 2021-22, and has been given a visual overhaul to make information easier to find. The website includes information about what Academic Integrity is, links to useful resources, definitions of Academic Misconduct with case study examples, and key information for students attending an Academic Misconduct Panel.

The website can be found via the following link:

Academic Integrity

You may also find the following article relevant which goes into details about the changes that have been made to the Academic Misconduct Procedures for 2021-22:

Student Academic Misconduct Procedures - Changes for 2021-22