Registration Updates
1 July 2021
Minor amendments and improvements to the registration regulations for taught programmes
PGT student vacation periods
The definition of the taught postgraduate Calendar Year has changed from ‘48 weeks of 37.5 hours’ to ‘45 weeks of 40 hours’ in order to bring UCL into line with other London Russell Group members. This will help Student Visa students to take up internships and job opportunities in the Christmas and Easter holidays.
The regulations have also been updated to clarify UCL’s expectations around PGT teaching and independent study outside of term time.
On many programmes it is custom and practice to only teach during UG term times. However teaching outside of term time is not proscribed because many clinical and Initial Teacher Education programmes do teach during the UG vacations, and many Masters students are attending labs/ dissertation supervision sessions during the summer. Education Committee has agreed that teaching/ contact hours must not be scheduled on bank holidays or college closure days, and has asked departments to be transparent about their expectations outside of the UG term times.
New regulations:
Chapter 2: Qualifications and Credit Framework
- Section 3.7: Academic and Calendar Years, paragraphs 1, 5, 6 and 7
- Section 3.9 Modes of Study, paragraph 2, bullet 1
Students registering on too many or too few credits
The regulations on Module Selection have been updated to emphasise that students need to take the correct number of credits, both across the whole programme and at each Level of Study – students will not be eligible for a degree if they take too few credits, and their classification cannot be calculated if they have too many credits. Departments are also asked to check their Programme Diets to make sure that this is clear to students.
New regulations:
Chapter 3: Registration Framework for Taught Programme
- 2.1 Module Selection and Approval Process, paragraph 3
- 2.2 Number of Modules to be Selected, paragraphs 2 & 3
Closing and re-opening records
A student’s record may be closed for a number of reasons, and it is unusual to re-open it. However exceptionally, the Faculty Tutor can re-admit the student.
The regulations on closing and re-opening students’ records now include more detailed information about re-admitting a student.
When a student’s record is closed, they may request, or be automatically awarded, an interim qualification (e.g. if a student withdraws from a Masters and requests a PG Dip). If the student wishes to re-join UCL and have their record re-opened, they will need to surrender the interim qualification.
New regulations:
Chapter 3: Registration Framework for Taught Programme
- 1.7 Closing and Re-Opening Records, paragraphs 1, 2 and 4
See also:
Chapter 1: Student Recruitment and Admissions Framework
- 2.8.4 Accredited Prior Learning for Advanced Entry to Taught Programmes, paragraph 8
Chapter 4: Assessment Framework for Taught Programmes
- 12.2.1 Interim Qualifications/ Eligibility, paragraph 3
Dual Registration on Initial Teacher Education
Each year there are a number of requests for Suspensions of Regulations for students registering on a UCL Initial Teacher Education programme while completing the last few weeks of their Masters, due to the overlapping delivery patterns of the two programmes.
The regulations have been amended to avoid the need for Suspensions of Regulations. A student can register and commence their studies on a UCL teacher training programme before they have completed the final assessment – typically a dissertation or project - of another Masters level programme, at UCL or another higher education institution, if this is due to be submitted within two months of commencing the teacher training programme.
New regulations:
Chapter 3: Registration Framework for Taught Programmes
- 1.6 Dual Registration, paragraph 1.f)