Early Module Registration for 2020-2021
3 October 2019
For 2020/2021, continuing students will be asked to select their modules between 12 March 2020 to 3 April 2020
The information in this article has been superseded. Please read the article Delay to Early Module Registration Roll-Out to learn more about the revised approach and new timelines.
Why are we doing this?
- To enable better planning for downstream processes such as room bookings
- To increase the number of students being able to take as many of their desired modules as possible
- To enable students to select when staff are around to support them
- To eliminate the need for ad-hoc manual collection of earlier selections by departments
- To increase the number of student module selections which are confirmed prior to the start of the academic session
What will I need to do?
- Ensure your programme diets and modules for continuing students are confirmed by the end of February 2020 (more information about this will be provided soon)
- Ensure that your continuing students are aware of the new timeline
- Familiarise yourself with the Module Registration - Dates for the Future
Enhancements and Improvements:
To facilitate early module registration, we will be introducing:
- Improved reporting on selections and roomings
- The ability for departments to close a module to registrations when full
- An ‘Amendment’ window for students to request an amendment to an earlier selection when results are known
- Improved module selection approval processes on Portico to take into account earlier selections and requests for amendments to earlier selections
Other Changes:
- Permit students to request an exemption from requisite rules
- Improve the affiliate module registration experience
More information about the above will be made available to you over the coming months.
Contact details for further information: academicmodelproject@ucl.ac.uk