
Student and Registry Services


Module Registration – Dates for the Future

3 May 2019

Key dates for Module Registration in 2019/2020 and 2020/2021

The information in this article has been superseded. Please read the article Delay to Early Module Registration Roll-Out to learn more about the revised approach and new timelines.

Please find below dates relating to Module Registration for 2019/2020 and 2020/2021. Where approximate dates are provided, exact dates will be provided in due course. 

You will notice that the timelines for module registration for 2020/2021 are changing. This is to: 

•    Ensure students are confirmed on module selections earlier
•    Facilitate the planning of downstream processes such as room-bookings
•    Enable students to re-select if they are rejected from their choices 
More information about and training on new processes and functionality to support Module Registration will be circulated in the future. 

TimeframeFor which Academic Session WhoTask 
July 20192019/2020Students and Departments Training for staff and students on module registration
August 20192019/2020Students Module registration opens for new students (at pre-enrolment) and continuing students (at re-enrolment)
August 20192019/2020Departments Module selection approvals and student module amend access opens
23 September 20192019/2020 Term 1 starts 
11 October 20192019/2020Students Module registration closes and deadline for request to change term 1 modules 
25 October 20192019/2020Departments Deadline for the approval of student selections for the year ahead

Deadline for the approval of term 1 changes

Module selection approvals and student module amend access remains opens for term two onwards modules 
November 2019 to February 20202020/2021Departments Academic Review
TBC2020/2021Departments Deadline for new module / changes to existing module / changes to programme structure requests 
2 Dec - 6 Dec 20192019/2020Students Request amendments to term two onwards modules and module selection verification 
13 December 20192019/2020Departments Module selection approvals and student module amend access closes
13 December 20192019/2020 Term 1 ends 
13 January 20202019/2020 Term 2 starts 
13 January 20202019/2020Students Module registration opens for January starting new students
13 January 20202019/2020Departments Departmental module selection approvals and student module amend access opens for January starting new students 
13 January 20202019/2020FacultiesModule selection approvals and student module amend access opens for exceptional student module amendments 
17 January 20202019/2020Students Module registration closes for January starters 
24 January 20202019/2020Departments Departmental module selection approvals and student module amend access closes for January starters 
24 January 20202019/2020FacultiesFaculty module selection approvals and student module amend access closes 
12 March 20202020/2021Students Module registration opens for continuing students 
27 March 20202020/2021Students Module registration closes for continuing students
27 March 20202020/2021 Term 2 ends 
April 20202020/2021CMISAllocation of rooms
June 20202020/2021Departments Module selection approvals and student module amend access opens
Early July 20202020/2021CMISPublication of timetable to students
Late July 20202020/2021Students Re-selection (students must reselect if they've been rejected; students can request an amendment to an approved selection) for continuing students 
August 20202020/2021Students Module registration opens for new students at pre-enrolment 
  Departments Departmental module selection approvals and student module amend access is already open
28 September 20202020/2021 Term 1 starts 
16 October 20202020/2021Students Module registration closes for students and deadline for students to request changes to term one modules 
30 October 20202020/2021Departments Deadline for the departmental approval of student selections for the year ahead

Deadline for the departmental approval of term one changes

Departmental module selection approvals and student module amend access remains open for term two onwards modules 
November 2020 to February 20212021/2022Departments Academic Review 
TBC2021/2022Departments Deadline for new module / changes to existing module / changes to programme structure requests 
7 Dec - 11 Dec 20202020/2021Students Students request amendments to term two onwards modules and module selection verification 
18 December 20202020/2021Departments Departmental module selection approvals and student module amend access closes
18 December 20202020/2021 Term 1 ends
11 January 20212020/2021 Term 2 starts 
11 January 20212020/2021StudentsModule registration opens for January starting new students
11 January 20212020/2021DepartmentsDepartmental module selection approvals and student module amend access opens for January starting new students 
11 January 20212020/2021Faculties Faculty student module amend access and approvals opens for exceptional student module amendments 
15 January 20212020/2021StudentsModule registration closes for January starters 
29 January 20212020/2021DepartmentsDepartmental module selection approvals and student module amend access for January starters
29 January 20212020/2021Faculties Faculty module selection approvals and student module amend access closes 


Contact details for further information: academicmodelproject@ucl.ac.uk