On this page you'll find UCL's policies and guidance, as well as support networks for staff and students.
UCL's equality charter
UCL's policy towards bullying and harassment
- UCL Dignity at work statement
- Dignity advisors at UCL
- Student harassment and bullying policy
- Zero tolerance to sexual misconduct
Disability equality
- Defining disability and reasonable adjustments
- Guidance materials for staff and managers
- Access to work
- Access to UCL buildings
- Accessibility and disability IT support
- Accessibility guidance notes for lecturers
- Disability support for students
- How to book a sign language interpreter
- Tips on creating accessible events
- Specific Learning Differences (SpLDs) / Neurodiversity
- Disability Equality Steering Group
- Neurodivergent Staff Network
- Enable@UCL
- Disabled Students' Network
Gender equality
- Parental leave and other entitlements
- Pregnant students
- Parents & Carers Together (PACT)
- Gender Equality Steering Group
- Gender Equality Network
- Male Allies Network
- UCL Astrea
- UCL Menopause Network
- Women's Network for students
- Parents and Carers student network
LQBTQ+ equality
- LGBTQ+ support and equality for managers
- qUCL: Research on sexual and gender diversity at UCL
- Career advice for LGBTQ+ students
- What is inclusion language?
- LGBTQ+ Equality Implementation Group (LEIG)
- LGBTQ+ Equality Steering Group
- Out@UCL
- Friends of Out@UCL
- LGBTQ+ STEM @UCL Network
- UCL Trans Network
- Student LGBT+ Network
Race equality
- UCL BME Attainment Project
- B-MEntor mentoring scheme
- Access and Widening Participation
- Racial and Xenophobic Harassment
- Student BME networks
- Fair Recruitment Specialist
- Inclusive Advocacy
- Race Equality Steering Group
- RaceMatters@UCL Network
- Student BME Network
Religion and belief equality
- Religion and belief guidance for managers
- Religion and belief equality policy for students
- Muslim Network @ UCL
- Supporting Muslim staff during Ramadan
- Quiet contemplation rooms Interfaith Forum
Human resources
- Recruitment and selection policy
- Work-life balance policy
- Maternity/paternity policy and other entitlements
- A-Z list of policies and guidance
- UCL staff benefits