Colour system convertor tool

Nice tool for converting between colour systems, such as RGB to RAL   Many other tools on the site Color calculator Converts color data to different color standards (RGB, CMYK, L*ab, L*ch, L*uv, Hunter, XYZ etc.). All the math implemented in this calculators is available in the math/formulas page. Create color harmonies From your RGB colors it creates colors complements, harmonies and themes. It can be used to easily create a Web site color theme or to select good trim and accent colors for your home decorations. From RGB values to commercial tints Matches your computer generated RGB values to Read more

Paper: Watercolour Paper

Watercolour Paper Machine-made watercolor papers come in three surfaces: Rough Hot-pressed or HP Cold-pressed (or NOT). Rough watercolor paper has a prominent tooth, or textured surface. This creates a grainy effect as pools of water collect in the indentations in the paper. Hot-pressed watercolor paper has a fine-grained, smooth surface, with almost no tooth. Paint dries very quickly on it. This makes it ideal for large, even washes of color. Cold-pressed watercolor paper has a slightly textured surface, somewhere in between rough and hot-pressed paper. Watercolor paper differs from manufacturer to manufacturer, so experiment not only with the different kinds Read more