Slade Knowledge Base contains useful information for all kinds of studio work from all studio areas at the Slade School of Fine Art.


The idea is that any information useful to students and staff while working in the studios can be shared via a central online database. This makes the information easy and quick to find from anywhere at anytime.


All Slade staff can add information and articles which will be available to anyone at UCL to access. If you are looking for a topic that isn’t covered on here – please suggest to a suitable staff member that they could add it here. The Slade Knowledge Base is expected to always be evolving with new articles being added, and information updated.


Most of the text articles are publicly available, and others (especially those via PDF links) require you to login with a password. This is because the documents are being shared using the educational use exception to UK Copyright Law, which means we cannot make them freely or publicly accessible without the copyright holder’s permission. It is beyond our scope to negotiate such permissions.


All documents are accessible while connected to the UCL network. Slade students and staff with UCL login details can access the information from anywhere via the web. We cannot grant access to anyone without a UCL login.


Slade Knowledge Base as founded in 2011 by Martin John Callanan & Sarah Pickering with an E-learning Development Grant awarded by UCL Learning Technology Support Service