Nice tool for converting between colour systems, such as RGB to RAL
Many other tools on the site
Color calculator
Converts color data to different color standards (RGB, CMYK, L*ab, L*ch, L*uv, Hunter, XYZ etc.). All the math implemented in this calculators is available in the math/formulas page. |
Create color harmonies
From your RGB colors it creates colors complements, harmonies and themes. It can be used to easily create a Web site color theme or to select good trim and accent colors for your home decorations. |
From RGB values to commercial tints
Matches your computer generated RGB values to color cards, paint lines, inks, fandecks, standards and more…
Helps you find a commercial product matching your computer generated colors. Also let you get cross-products matches of paint and ink products. Transforms “virtual” colors in “real world” references. |
From commercial tints to RGB values
Search through our commercial tints database for specific color codes or names.
Once selected the desired color, find the closest match in competitors’ fandecks and color cards, create harmonies or get full chromatic data. |
Software and color database
We can supply software and color database to perform this site’s services without the need to be on-line all the time.
Popular chromameter interfaces are also available upon request. |
Color tutorials
You will find a rich collection of color related information here. Math and formulas, FAQ, useful links, monitor resolution notes and much more… A constantly updated source of useful color tips. |
Freely submit your tints
We will be glad to freely post readings of your tints samples on our pages. Before sending us your color cards, fandecks or color collection please contact us first. |