Work with us We work in partnership with other UCL departments and groups, external research institutions, commercial and social enterprises, humanitarian organisations and government agencies. Find out more about our track record and ways to work with us. Enterprise To make a positive and significant impact to reduce risk and the impact of disasters around the world. Consultancy We undertake individual and group consultancy projects to provide advisory services, bespoke training packages, and primary research. Partnerships We undertake diverse projects in partnership with commercial and social enterprise and other research organisations. Internships - Undergraduate Degrees Discover the benefits of hosting a student work placement. International Partnerships We build long-term international partnerships in order both to undertake world-class research and to achieve real impact. Collaborate The Department collaborates with many groups and institutions on a range of projects. If you are interested don't hesitate to get in touch. Jobs and Fellowships Employment and research fellowship opportunities at UCL RDR.