
UCL Department of Risk and Disaster Reduction



The IRDR is the champion of Risk across UCL and brings 19 UCL institutes and departments together around the notion of Risk and disaster reduction. 

We welcome the opportunity to develop long-term and successful alliances to develop completely new areas of research, technology and innovation that enhance social enterprise and businesses' competitive edge and increase the impact of UCL's world leading research. 

The IRDR has a successful track record in rapidly assembling multi-disciplinary project teams to address an industry's problem and form the particular combination of skills required by the nature of the project. The following are examples of IRDR projects undertaken in partnership with external organisations:

Partnership - CAFOD, Bolivian Organisations, and Communities - Water Management

Bolivia Waterpump

Rural agricultural-mining communities in the Lake Poopó Basin in Bolivia were assessed as highly vulnerable to water scarcity and contamination, with 70% of sites unsuitable for drinking water or irrigation without treatment. In a three-year partnership research project with the development agency CAFOD, Bolivian organizations and communities, we advised on improving water management strategies, supported local decision making, and reported to the Ministry of Irrigation and Water Resources.

FORTRESS, Foresight Tools for Responding to cascading effects in a crisis
(in partnership with 12 European partners: Technische Universität Berlin, Trilateral Research & Consulting, TREE, EDF, Dialogik, VICESSE, RCAB, SiTI, GMV, VRK, SDIS 04, BWB.
European Union's Seventh Framework Programme

Increasing Resilience to Natural Hazards
Natural Environment Research Council & Economic and Social Research Council

Integrating the disaster risk reduction into Senior High School Chemistry Curriculum in Indonesia
Indonesian Government, MORA
PhD research

Engineering Earthquake Early Warning Systems
PhD research

Consolidation and deformation of brash ice
TOTAL (France) & UCL Impact studentship
PhD research

Advancing vulnerability assessment Implementation of mid- and high-rise RC buildings
EPSRC, AIR Worldwide
PhD research

Complexity of seismicity in a statistical physics view: fracture to earth's scale
THALES Program of the Ministry of Education of Greece and the European Union and UCL IRDR
PhD research

Earthquake geology and seismic hazard in the central Apennines, Italy
UCL Impact Studentship with CASE support from Geospatial Research Limited
PhD research

Investigating spatio-temporal randomness of large earthquakes
Aon Benfield
PhD research

The link between earthquake recurrence and structural geology in the Apennines of Italy
Natural Environment Research Council
PhD research