
UCL Research Domains


Head of Space Themes (HOST)

The HOST Committee is defined as the group of Space Domain Theme Leads. Theme Leads are also the ESA_Lab@UCL Theme Leads, and there is no distinction between these roles.

HOST Committee members are academic leaders in their respective “Theme”. A Theme is loosely defined as being a field, area or topic within which independent research can be performed. Theme leads identify and organise space-related research and education activities within their Theme for UCL researchers, and partners, and manage the Theme relationship between UCL, ESA and the wider ESA_Lab network


NameHOST ThemePosition
Nick Achilleos

Planetary Science

Professor of Planetary Physics

Victor Buchli

Interdisciplinary Space Studies

Professor of Material Culture, Dept. Anthropology

Joanna Fabbri

Planetary Science

Scientific Officer and Centre Manager, Centre for Planetary Sciences (CPS) at UCL/Birkbeck
Martyn Fice

Satellite Communications

Associate Professor, Dept. Electronic & Electrical Eng

Lucie Green

Space Weather

Professor of Physics, Dept. Space & Climate Physics

Myles Harris 

(HOST Chair)

Off World Living

Lecturer (Teaching) in Risk, Disasters, and Humanitarianism, Department of Risk and Disaster Reduction

Tom PegramSpace Governance

Associate Professor in Global Governance, Dept. Political Science/School of Public Policy

Benoit Pigneur

Space Project Management and Systems Engineering 

Lecturer (Teaching), Dept. Space & Climate Physics

Giorgio Savini


Professor of Astrophysics, Dept. Physics & Astronomy

Keith SiewSpace Medicine

Research Fellow Renal Medicine, Department of Renal Medicine

Chekfoung Tan

Space Project Management and Systems Engineering

Associate Professor in Transformation Leadership, Dept. Space & Climate Physics

Giovanna Tinetti

Exoplanet Research

Professor of Astrophysics, Dept. Physics & Astronomy

Michel Tsamados

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning / Earth Observation

Associate Professor in Polar Observation & Modelling, Dept. Earth Sciences

Ingo Waldmann

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Associate Professor in Extrasolar Planets, Dept. Physics & Astronomy