
UCL Department of Space and Climate Physics


Departmental and UCL Support Groups

Both UCL and the Department have a number of Support and Inclusion Groups, and Social Networks available.

UCL Staff Equalities Networks

UCL has a number of staff equalities networks, which are open to all staff. They are places where people with shared identities and backgrounds can connect with colleagues and make positive change across the university. You can use the below link to find out more about the work of these networks and how to join.

UCL Staff Equalities Networks 

Early Career Research Forum

This Department forum is run by George Seabroke and it is a platform for early career researchers to share their views and discuss the issues that are important to them. George is also a member of the ED&I committee, the forum is also a route for concerns to be communicated to the upper management and rest of ED&I committee and will aid information flow in both directions. 

To join the forum or if you have any questions about it, please reach out directly to George.

Flexible Working Advocates

UCL and the Department of Space and Climate Physics understands the importance of a good work/life balance and is currently creating a network of Flexible Working Advocates, who will be able to help staff understand all of the options available to them.

Mental Health First Aiders

The Department's Mental Health First Aiders are points of contact for anybody who is experiencing a mental health issue or emotional distress. Although they are not qualified counsellors, they can have an initial conversation and support individuals to get appropriate help.

The Department's Mental Health First Aider is Chris Brockley-Blatt.

Welbeing Champions

Wellbeing Champions play a crucial role in promoting positive mental health and wellbeing. They are voluntary members of staff who promote and support the implementation of Being Well at UCL.  More information about Wellbeing Champions and their role is availabile here. 

The department wellbeing champions are Chris Brockley-Blatt and Claire Puddephatt.

Welfare Contacts and Dignity Advisors

The Department has eight Welfare Contacts and one Dignity Advisor who are available to have confidential discussions with staff and students on all welfare matters, including bullying and harassment. This will involve listening to the issues raised and outlining possible options.  Dignity Advisors work with staff and students across UCL whereas the Welfare Contacts are dedicated to staff and students within the Department of Space & Climate Physics.  More information, including who to contact and details about the process are available on the Staff Intranet

Mentoring for Post Doctoral Researchers

As part of its Silver Athena Swan actions, the Department offers a mentoring scheme for research active postdoctoral staff.  Please contact Sarah Matthews for further details.  Guidance on good practice for both mentors and mentorees can be found on the UCL human resources pages.

PhD student support

Details of the Departmental support available to PhD students can be found on the PhD student support page.

Fellowship Support Group

To help with fellowship applications, the Department has set up a Fellowship Support Group.  The aim of this group is to help support fellowship applications for students/staff applying for fellowships based at UCL, or at a different institution.  The group will also help external researchers who are applying for fellowships with the Department.  The Fellowship Support Group aims to cover these three areas.

  • Do you have the beginnings of a fellowship idea that you want to discuss with other academics?  

  • Have you written a fellowship draft but could use feedback on e.g. how you are conveying your ideas? 

  • Have you reached the interview stage and want some help preparing?  

Please e-mail fellowship_support@mssl.ucl.ac.uk for further information about how you can be supported.  Please provide at least two weeks' notice, to guarantee feedback.  However, if there is less time, the team will still try and help!  The Fellowship Support Group comprises the following members: Lucie Green, Hamish Reid,  Ralph Schoenrich, Vincent Van Eylen, Daniel Verscharen, Silvia Zane, as well as Rebecca Burns from the BEAMS team.