
UCL Human Resources


Find your local Wellbeing Champions

Wellbeing Champions play a crucial role in promoting positive mental health and wellbeing.

If you are a Wellbeing Champion and are not listed on this page, contact: wh.wellbeing@ucl.ac.uk

the Wellbeing Champions Logo

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What is a Wellbeing Champion?  

Wellbeing Champions play a crucial role in promoting positive mental health and wellbeing.

  • They are voluntary members of staff .
  • They promote and support the implementation of Being Well at UCL.  
  • They foster a positive and supportive environment across UCL.   
  • They promote wellbeing initiatives, activities and resources.   
  • They receive inhouse training and Mental Health First Aid training.  
  • They are the first point of contact in local areas for those needing advice on wellbeing support.  
  • They are supported by, and report into, the Workplace Health team.  
  • They feedback on areas of concern to the Workplace Health team. This is incorporated into the delivery of the Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy at UCL.   

When to contact a Wellbeing Champion 

 If you a member of staff employed at UCL you can contact a Wellbeing Champion in your area for reasons such as:  

  • To find out about what wellbeing resources are on offer for staff.  
  • To find out what wellbeing activity is happening in your area.  
  • To speak to someone and get emotional support around an area that may be causing you concern. Wellbeing Champions can signpost to suitable resources or offer you space to talk about a concern.  

Search by Faculty and Professional Services area to find your local Wellbeing Champions below:

Access and widening Participation
Natasha BarcinskaSally Kettyle
Advanced Research Computing (ARC)
Katie Buntic - ARCRuaruih Gollifer - ARC
Rachel F.G. Cooper - ISD/ARCEmma Cardinal-Richards - ARC
Arts & Humanities
Susie Ivins - SELCSJessica Green - Department of English Language and Literature
Thomas Morgan-Evans - Slade School of Fine ArtsCasey Johnson - Department of Hebrew and Jewish Studies
Samantha Rayner - Faculty Vice Dean of Wellbeing Wendy Leung - Dept of Greek & Latin
Alison Davies - SSEES Faculty of A&H - SSW/SRS 
Erin Goeres - SELCS 
Georgina Bolton - Dept of English Language and Literature 


Bartlett (Built Environment)
Rosanna Seels - The Bartlett School of Environment, Energy and ResourcesZoe Lau - The Bartlett School of Architecture, Bartlett School of Construction and Project Management
Lorenzo Lotti - The Bartlett School of Environment, Energy and ResourcesAlice Whewell - The Bartlett School of Architecture, Here East
Alejandra Albuerne -  The Bartlett School of Environment, Energy and ResourcesMoira Hague- Social Data Institute
Alejandra Albuerne- The Bartlett School of ArchitectureHannah Legg- Built Environment Faculty Office
Yvonne Sibblies - The Bartlett School of PlanningOscar Brousse - Institute of Environmental Design and Engineering / BSEER
Hannah Maguire - Built Environment Faculty OfficeIrene Pluchinotta - Bartlett School Env, Energy & Resources
Adney Shallow - Bartlett ((Prev Office of Vice-Provost))Alice Whewell - Bartlett School of Architecture
Leanne Taylor - Faculty OfficeYasmin Garcia Sterling - Bartlett School of Sustainable Construction 
Brain Sciences
Michael Farmer - Institute of Prion DiseasesJacky Bauer - Institute of Neurology
Jill Cowing - Institute of OphthalmologyLinda Taib - Institute of Neurology
Mohamed Ismail - Institute of Ophthalmology

Nadine Dijkstra - Institute of Neurology

Diana Sefic-Svara - Institute of OphthalmologyAnouchka Sterling - Division of Psychiatry
Stephanie Canning - UCL Institute of Prion Diseases, Faculty of Brain SciencesPamela Thomas- Division of Psychiatry (PhD)
Catherine Hills - UCL Queen Square Institute of NeurologySandra Asante - Division of Psychiatry
Safia Chaudhary - Institute of Cognitive NeuroscienceKaren Hobbs -  Division of Psychiatry
Beth Allen- Institute of Cognitive NeuroscienceRosie Niven - Division of Psychiatry

Alicia Burton  - Psychology and Language Sciences

Agatha Alves Anet

Hannah Spikesley   - Psychology and Language SciencesSandra Asante - Division of Psychiatry
Karen Hobbs - Division of PsychiatrySakina Naibkhail - The Ear Institute
Dhani Tracey-White - Institute of OphthalmologyPoppy Gilgunn - Institute of Ophthalmology
Medani Imtiaz - Linguistics and Psychology from Brain Sciences, Psychology and Language Sciences Jackie Linehan - Institute of Prion Diseases


Education and Student Experience (VPESE)
Julia Grund  
Electronic and Electrical Engineering

Thomas Gilbert - Electronic & Electrical Engineering

Roshni Harkishin - Electronic & Electrical Engineering 
Engineering Science
Bernadette Murray - Dept of Computer ScienceVicky Coombes - Dept of Electronic & Electrical Engineering
Johanna Novales - Faculty Office

Sue Needler - STEaPP

 Alex Remond - School of Management (Canary Wharf)Silpa Shah - Dept of Computer Science 
Fiona Rose-Clarke- Dept of Security and Crime ScienceElizabeth Powell - Biochemical Engineering
Davina Scoble - Estates PropertyBen Stubbs - Environmental Sustainability
Jason AllenMegan Putt - Property
Aisling Smith - Estates Strategy & Programme DeliveryLouise Raynham 
Neil Turvey - Estates Strategy & Programme DeliveryHeena Varsani
Irida Gaikward - Safety Services 
Simon Ross - Safety Services 
Finance & Business Affairs
Carol Blackburn - Finance ServicesDenise Hebborn - Financial services


Human Resources
Iona Heffernan - Organisational DevelopmentIrida Gaikwad - Safety Services
Katja Janus - Organisational DevelopmentSarah Dowling - Organisational Development
Juliet Aghion- Professional Services Hub/Business Operations ServicesLucy Chikuni - Workplace Health
Kay Toms - HR Buisness Partnering 
Information Services
Nicola Griggs - Project Support ServicesAnika Cawthorn - Research IT Services
Reena Babu - Learning Technology & Media ServicesMilad Chowdhury- Information Service Division
Yasmin Walker - IT Change and Project Delivery 


Kelly Dickson - Social Research Insititute Kimberly Bentein - Centre for Languages & Intl Education
Carol Rivas - Social Research Insititute Georgina Merchant - Curriculum, Pedagogy & Assessment; Learning and Leadership
Sinead Harmey - Learning and LeadershipShazia Syed - Curriculum, Pedagogy & Assessment 
Amanda McCrory -Learning and LeadershipMaria Kambouri - Psychology and Human Development
Dilanka Palawennige - Centre for Languages and International Education (CLIE) IOE 


Henry Balogun 


Library, Culture, Collections and Open Science (LCCOS)
Faith UdezeNatalie Telles
Jaimme BigginsEsther Gladwell 
Noreen BeecherKate Cheney
Michelle WakeAlexandra Asman 
Simone Rodney-FoliArthur Shaw
Bernadette d'AlmeidaMiriam Hornsby
Margarita StoreyCatriona Wilson
Emilie Harrak 


Life Sciences
Rose Haigh - The Sainsbury Wellcome CentreHeather Badru - School of Pharmacy
Jamie Redden - The Sainsbury Wellcome CentreMichelle Ward-  School of Pharmacy
Henny Green - Faculty OfficeRebekah Nichols - School of Pharmacy
Sukh Thiara -  Faculty OfficeRebecca Lever - School of Pharmacy
Charlette Bent-Gayle - Division of BiosciencesTaru Khanna-  Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology
Jenna Hakkesteeg- Division of BiosciencesParaskevi Boulasiki - Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology


Mathematical & Physical Sciences
Claire Gacki - Dept of ChemistryMumtaz Abdul-Ghafoor - Inst for Risk & Disaster Reduction
Tamara Alhilfi - Dept of ChemistryMarina Lewis- Department of Statistical Science
Mark Fuller - Dept of Physics & AstronomyClaire Puddephatt - Dept of Space and Climate Physic
Lori Coletti-Campbell - Dept of Physics and AstronomyProspero Taroni-Junior - Institute for Materials Discovery
Bonita Carboo - Dept of Physics and AstronomyElizabeth Gaunt- Earth Sciences
Jane Jones- MAPS Faculty OfficeEthne James-Souch- MAPS Faculty Office
Holly Crawford - MathematicsChris Brockley-Blatt - Dept of Space & Climate Physics


Medical Sciences
Juan Castelo - Cancer InstituteCatriona Heredia - Division of Medicine
Isabel Rufat-Subias- Cancer InstituteTom Olney - Division of Medicine
Lindsey Stevens - Cancer InstituteAlison Kelly - Division of Medicine
Cosetta Bertoli- Cancer InstituteDeborah Lucas-Georgiou - Medical School
Ayse Akarca - Cancer InstitutePhoebe Enstone- Division of Infection and Immunity
Claire Saunders- Cancer Institute (PhD)Chau Chong - Div of Surgery & Interventional Sci
Yasmin Morris - Cancer InstituteFaith Hanstater - Div of Surgery & Interventional Sci
Helen Brown- Cancer Institute (Haematology)- Royal FreeNicola Phillips- Institute of Epidemiology and Health Care
Eleanor Wooderson- Cancer Institute (Haematology)Tara Knapp - Eastmen Dental Institute
Maria Efthymiou - Cancer Institute (Haematology)Charlotte Boulton - Haematology department 
Mhairi Vaughan - Cancer Institute (Haematology)Omar Ahmed - UCLH: Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT)
Evangelia Smpokou Olney - Division of Surgery/ Charles Bell House and Institute of Orthopaedics Stanmore 


Population Health Sciences
Sarah Mayhew - Institute for Women’s HealthPaul Hyams - Institute of Clinical Trials & Methodology
Mariya Hristova - Institute for Women’s HealthJo Whittle - Institute of Clinical Trials & Methodology
Jessica Weng - Institute of Epidemiology and Health CareCharlotte McGowan- Institute of Clinical Trials & Methodology
Lisa Etamoje - GOS Institute of Child HealthIzzie Harvey - Institute of Health Informatics
Janet Nicholas - GOS Institute of Child HealthJosefine Magnusson- Institute of Epidemiology & Health
Ludi Capelan - GOS Institute of Child HealthStephanie Ball - Great Ormund Institute of Child Health
Kate Fernandes - Faculty OfficerCarly Tagg- Biological Services (Institute of Child Health)
Claire Dodds -  Biological ServicesMark White -  KLB Biological Services 
Amelia Carroll - Medical SciencesMaria Perkins - Research and Innovation Services - Post- Award
Samantha Richards - Biological ServicesSandhya Seetah - Research, Innovation and Global Engagement (RIGE)
Laura Hennelly - Institute for Global Health 


Social & Historical Sciences
Charlotte Frearson - Institute of Archaeology Gordon SquareFiona McLean- Institute of Archaeology Gordon Square
Samara King - Archaeology South-EastRuth Harper - Institute of Americas
Stephen Patton - Archaeology South-EastBrisilda Lleshi- Department of Political Science
Hayley Nicholls - Archaeology South-EastParker Gordon - Political Science
Andrea Pawley - Political Science - SHS/A&HAlexander Allen - Institute of Archaeology
David Brown - Institute of ArchaeologyAdam Dyson - Institute of Archaeology
Hannah Faux - Archaeology South-EastEmma Cardinal-Richards


Student & Registry Services
Lillie Chopamba - Registrars OfficePani Fanai-Danesh-  Student Support and Wellbeing
Bikram Bains - Student Support and WellbeingAmeena Qureshi - Student Enquiries Centre
Susanne Stoddart - Careers Service

Syeshia Sweeney - Access and Widening Participation

Pascale Guillot- Institute for Women’s HealthNatasha Barcinska - Access and Widening Participation
Claire Hartill - Casework, Education Services 


UCL East
Lana Shiel - Student Support and Wellbeing 
Office of the President and Provost
Ingrid Khedun - VP: Research, Innovation and Global Engagement- UCL ConsultantsPeter Fitch - VP: Education and Student Experience- Arena Centre
Bhavisha Sachania - VP: Research, Innovation and Global Engagement- UCL ConsultantsJayna Gorasia - VP Health- Biological Services
Suha Nizami - Vice-Provost (Research, Innovation and Global Engagement)- Innovation & EnterpriseJenny Howe - VP Health- Biological Services
Clare MacInnes - VP: Advancement- Office Kirsty Watson-  VP Health
Rachel Hobbs- VP: External EngagementCaitlin Rutter - VP Health
Lelde Browne- VP: External EngagementStefan Piatek - VP: Operations - UCL Centre for Advanced Research Computing
Lilley Kennedy - VP: Operations- Student Union  Paul Smith - VP: Operations - UCL Centre for Advanced Research Computing
Alan Liddell  VP: Operations- PS HubChris Langridge- VP: Operations - UCL Centre for Advanced Research Computing
Fiona Stevens - Office of the Vice President AdvancementVictoria Abbott- VP: Education and Student Experience- Careers Service
Claire Foyle - OVPSAjay Patel - Vice President External Engagement
Lucy Barnard - VP: AdvancementTherasa King - VP: Advancement
Anjoom Mukadam - UCL ArenaFiona Wilkie - UCL Arena
Natasha Kennedy - Students' Union UCLSasha St John - Office of the President and Provost > Pro-Provost (London) team