Mediacentral is UCL's enterprise media portal, helping users to share and stream their content to enhance learning, teaching, research, promotional activities, training and improve communications.
Mediacentral News
Mediacentral Upgrade - November 7th 2024
Mediacentral will undergo essential maintenance on 7 November 2024, from 13:00 to 17:00 (GMT). During this period, the platform will be unavailable, and media content will not be accessible for streaming on Mediacentral or through shared content on UCL and public platforms.
Please visit ISD News or contact us via MyServices for the latest updates and developments.
Mediacentral Upgrade - February 16th 2024
We wish to inform you that a significant upgrade of Mediacentral to version 8.5 is scheduled for deployment on Friday, 16th February 2024, from 13:00 to 17:00. This major update will enhance security, fix various bugs, resolve known issues, and introduce new features added for our retention policy.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this essential upgrade process.
Mediacentral retention of your media files
From the 1st January 2024 the team will be following the retention policy as set out here. We will not be deleting unviewed files, but archiving them as per the policy. If you have any problems accessing your media please inform the team via the MyServices Portal.
We also welcome feedback and would be grateful if you could complete the online feedback form.
Mediacentral to the Cloud - January 2023
As expected there were short outages of the system as the final changes were implemented and as with any application we discovered a few minor bugs - all these have now been resolved and users should be experiencing a faster upload and processing time for their files.
For now, we are keeping the current look and feel. However, some new features will be implemented in the following few months.
If you have any problems using the system please inform the team via the MyServices Portal.
Give Feedback - December 2023
We welcome feedback and would be grateful if you wish to do this by completing the online feedback form.
Please would really appreciate users to
follow the link and help us shape the future direction of this service
Blackboard Collaborate at UCL is now decommissioned - July 2022
The use of the Blackboad Collaborate service was finally brought to closure. The video content has been archived, however, if you had not downloaded your content in the decommission phase, you can request a copy and then upload this to Lecturecast. Where there is a requirement for sharing with externals, or make the content publicly available to anyone, then Mediacentral is suggested as the preferred system.
Information on how to:
Anyone wanting to add their Blackboard content into UCL Moodle for internal use can see information on the adding content to Lecturecast pages.
For users requiring external access to the content then you should upload their videos using the Upload feature and you can follow the instructions here:
To share the video content users can use the Share link, information is found here:
For further information regarding the decommission of Blackboard Collaborate, read the story here:
What is Mediacentral
Mediacentral is the UCL online video portal, helping users to enable collaboration by sharing video and audio content through a streaming system that works flawlessly behind the scenes and allows you to Create, Manage, Deliver and View all your content within an all-inclusive solution. The system delivers 'Video on Demand' content directly to your audience whether they are on a mobile or a desktop device and works locally and internationally.
Mediacentral takes the difficulty out of streaming content, whilst giving more control, more engagement, and new ways to communicate – all with less work.
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