The library holds resources in psychology, language science, linguistics and audiology, and has the largest collection of speech and language therapy tests in the UK.
- Space availability
- Opening hours
- Address and contact details
- Location
- Subject coverage and guides
- Accessibility
- Services
- Resources
- Visitors
- Green Impact at LaSS Library
Opening hours
Bookdrop when the library is closed
When the library is closed, books can be returned via the bookdrop on the ground floor, next to the student pigeonholes.
Address and contact details
- Address: Chandler House, 2 Wakefield St, London WC1N 1PF.
- Tel: Library desk and general enquiries: 020 7679 4208 (internal extension 24208).
- E-mail:
- Nearest Tube: Russell Square or Kings Cross.
- Site Librarian: Breege Whiten 020 7679 4207 (internal extension 24207).
- Deputy Site Librarian: Esther Cable.
The library is located in Chandler House, 2 Wakefield Street (just off Tavistock Place), WC1N 1PF. On entering the building you can use your UCL ID card to get through the turnstile, or speak to the member of staff on Reception. Once inside the building, take the lift or stairs to the second floor, turn right, then right again to find the library.
Subject coverage and guides
The Language and Speech Science (LaSS) Library holds a unique collection of books, journals, and assessment tests on all subjects relating to psychology, language science, speech and language therapy, linguistics and audiology.
Library Services is committed to ensuring that students, staff and visitors are not disabled by our services or by the Library environment. You can find out more about accessibility in LaSS Library on our accessibility page.
Study facilities
LaSS Library has a large reading room for quiet study, and a smaller, bookable study room for group study.
We have four computers for student use, four laptop docking stations, 24 loan laptops and the Eduroam wireless internet connection is available throughout the building.
Self guided tour of the library
Users of the library can familiarise themselves to general library resources and collections and make the most of all our services and facilities, with our self guided tours.
Photocopying, printing and scanning
There are two multi-functional devices that can be used for photocopying, printing and scanning, both in black and white and colour. UCL staff and students will need their ID cards to use the system.
Inter Library Loans
LaSS Library participates in the interlibrary loans service. Any item which is not held in UCL or nearby libraries can usually be obtained for you from another source, for a fee of £3 per item.
Wellbeing at LaSS Library
We welcome the opportunity to support our library community's wellbeing in a number of ways.
Books & Journals
LaSS Library's books and journals cover all subjects relating to psychology, language science, speech and language therapy, linguistics and audiology. (See our list of subjects with their classmarks).
Assessment tests and other special collections
The library also holds a unique collection of therapy materials and assessment tests in speech and language, and an archive of historical books and pamphlets.
To view the library's holdings, search Explore. Searches can be restricted to this library by applying a filter to a set of search results: choose Language & Speech Science from the list of libraries on the left-hand menu next to your search results.
In addition to the library collections, UCL Library Services provide access to a wide range of electronic resources for UCL members, such as bibliographic databases and full text online journals. A bibliographic database is a detailed index of research - journal articles, theses, conference papers etc - on a specific topic. UCL members have access to a wide range of databases covering numerous subjects, including databases relevant to language and speech sciences.
A vast range of full text journals are now available online and most can be accessed on and off campus by UCL students and staff. Library visitors may access UCL E-journals on site, where licenses permit.
You can find further details about accessing UCL Library Services via Membership Services online.
Members of the Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists (RCSLT) can apply for membership to LaSS library. We also welcome enquiries from anyone who has a genuine need to consult material held at LaSS which is not readily available elsewhere. Please contact the LaSS library team, who will usually be able to arrange reference access for you.
Members of the Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists
If you are a member of the RCSLT, you are entitled to reference-only access to LaSS library free of charge. For an annual fee of £50, you may also purchase a borrowing membership card, which entitles you to borrow up to 5 items at a time. Please note that this card is not eligible for use in any other UCL library. Electronic journals and databases can be accessed from a dedicated computer in the library, but due to licensing restrictions, offsite access cannot be provided for non-UCL members. Articles may be saved to a USB drive free of charge.
To join the library, please complete the online membership application form. You will then receive an email when your membership card is ready to collect. If you need any help to complete the form, or have any questions before your visit, please contact the LaSS library team.
Green Impact at LaSS Library
LaSS Library participates in UCL's Green Impact Award scheme and has maintained a gold standard for several years. We intend to remain at this level and continue to assess how we might improve the environmental credentials of the library. To help us do this, we value your feedback and suggestions. Please contact the LaSS library team - we'd love to hear your thoughts!