Getting started with Library Services, 2023
19 September 2023
Discover how our libraries will support your study and research needs at UCL.

New to UCL? Wondering how to access our libraries and resources?
See our Getting Started pages for everything you need to know about using our libraries and resources, including an online induction, and self guided tours to help you discover a wealth of collections and spaces.
We are here to help
- Join us at the Support Services Fair, 10.30-15:00 Monday 25–Wednesday 27 September in the North Cloisters and at UCL East Friday on 29 September, 2nd Floor Atrium, Marshgate.
- Introduction to Explore: Book to attend our short demonstrations on searching Explore, our online search catalogue, in the Science Library, at 12:00 pm and 12:30pm each day Monday 25–Friday 29 September, to learn how to explore one of the best university library collections in the world.
- Talk to staff in any of our libraries or study spaces
- Chat online with a member of library staff, Monday-Friday 12:00pm-7:00pm. Click the ‘Library Help’ icon on our home page and other pages.
Visiting libraries and using our collections
Your ID Card is also your Library Card, and you can access our libraries and borrow books with it. Borrowing is available from your programme start date.
You will have full access to online resources from your programme start date.
- Find your favourite library from a range of options, including the Student Centre and our newest library space at UCL East.
- You can just turn up and study in any of our libraries, and you can check library opening hours and space availability online in advance.
- Bookable group study spaces are available in some of our libraries, and you can also book individual study spaces in the Student Centre.
- Click and Collect is available at most libraries.
- Scan and Send is available at selected libraries.
Making the most of your libraries
Once you are familiar with using our library spaces and collections, find out more about support and guidance available to help you utilise resources effectively and develop the skills you need for academic success.
- ReadingLists@UCL: Most taught course modules will have an online reading list which allows you to link directly to online resources or see an item’s location in Explore. Link to your reading list through your Moodle course.
- Subject Support: Find resources for your subject and details of our specialist librarian(s) who can help with all your queries.
- LibrarySkills@UCL: Develop your skills at finding, evaluating and using information for your studies or research with our online guidance, self-paced tutorials, and bookable programme of live online and face to face training sessions.
- UCL Special Collections: Discover one of the foremost university collections of manuscripts, archives and rare books in the UK.

Library staff at last year’s Support Services Fair