Prerequisite for entry
Successful completion of Italian Syllabus 3+.
Students will be familiar with these grammar and linguistic structures.
Term duration
10 x 2-hour classes.
Aims and objectives
The aim of the course is to enable students to:
- Acquire a better fluency
- Express correctly and develop a level of sophistication in grammar structure and vocabulary
- To communicate in all situations using more accurate structures
- Discuss personal, social and current issues using appropriate structures and range of vocabulary.
- Language of media: leaving messages, writing texts and emails
- Telephone calls and Skype conversations
- Talking about books
- Reading and writing reviews
- Expressing opinions
- Hypothesis
Course content
Main topics/themes to be covered:
- Means of communication (emails, mobiles, FB, twitter)
- Italian literature
- Changes in the Italian family
- Celebrations and traditional festivities
- Subjunctive imperfect and different uses
- Introduction to indirect speech
- Passive form
- Comparative and superlative of BUONO, CATTIVO, GRANDE and PICCOLO
- If clauses (IF + Subjunctive Imperfect Tense/conditional): “se dormissi di più saresti meno stressato”
- Past conditional
Learning resources
Course Book
- Espresso 3. Libro dello studente ed esercizi. Chapters 4-7
- Handouts provided by the tutor.
Bilingual Dictionaries
Bilingual Dictionary (Collins).
Grammar References
- New Italian grammar in practice. Ean: 9788861824287
- Nuova grammatica pratica della lingua italiana. Ean: 9788861822474
Please note that the syllabus might vary according to class progress and availability of materials.
Do not hesitate to contact your tutor for further information.