The Biostatistics Group at the Joint Research Office (JRO) offers statistical collaboration and advice for biomedical researchers at UCL, UCLH and the Royal Free.
Please note that:
- Researchers applying for support at the design or grant application stages of the project will receive priority over those seeking advice only at the analysis stage.
- Please seek advice at the earliest possible stage and allow a realistic amount of time before deadlines (at least a month).
- Statisticians typically see researchers within 3 weeks of receiving the application form.
Study Design and Grant Application
Free advice is available for grant applications and study design. Please note that this is not available to MSc and Phd students or for animal studies.
Research Collaborations
The Biostatistics group statistician will contribute to all aspects of study design (e.g. choice of design, endpoints, missing data, sample size, statistical analysis plan, randomisation).
The statistician will perform all agreed pre-specified statistical analyses, help to interpret the results, contribute to the writing up of all publications and respond to reviewer's comments. They will attend study/steering group meetings as required and will write the statistical sections of protocols and grant applications.
In order to collaborate on the study, the Biostatistics group would expect the following from the investigators:
- The statistician should be invited to be a co-applicant on study grant application.
- The costs of the Biostatistics group involvement should be met (and should be factored into all grant applications, as appropriate).
- The statistician should be invited to be an author for all appropriate publications.
Studies already in progress
- Advice only: up to 2 free sessions of an hour each are available for studies already underway.
- Analysis: statisticians typically will not analyse studies if they have not been involved at the study design stage. Analyses will be undertaken at the statistician's discretion subject to the methodological quality of the study and other commitments. Time required for analysis may be costed and it is expected that the statistician will be invited to be a co-author on any resulting publications.