
Joint Research Office


Events and training

The Joint Research Office will be running a series of research training webinars and drop-in sessions across 2025.

Webinars are open to all staff, including new investigators, staff considering getting started in research, and established investigators looking to refresh their knowledge and skills.

The JRO is also running drop-in sessions where existing researchers can get one-to-one guidance on different areas of research management.

Details of sessions are outlined in the tables below. Webinar dates for 2025 will be added shortly.


Some webinars require you to register using a form.

Webinar list (click to view all dates)

Date and Time



20 March 2025


Research Approvals: submitting your study for UCL and UCLH sponsorship review (NHS research, non-drug studies)


This session will provide attendees with the steps required to obtain regulatory sponsorship for clinical research studies. This session will cover the procedures for sponsorship through UCL and UCLH for all study types with the exception of clinical trials (drug studies) or medical devices (which require MHRA authorisation). The session is suitable for researchers, coordinators, managers and delivery staff who are involved in submitting studies to NHS ethics and regulatory committees.

20 March 2025


The Research Nurse Journey: Discovering the Rewards Beyond the Challenges


This insightful session will explore the unique journey of research nurses. The webinar will delve into the challenges research nurses face, from navigating complex protocols to balancing patient care and data collection. More importantly, it will highlight the profound rewards of the role. The session is suitable for experienced  research delivery staff or those who are considering a future career in research nursing.

27 March 2025



Site File Maintenance


This session will help attendees develop an understanding of the essential documents involved in research studies and how these are maintained throughout the study lifecycle. It will cover the key areas of responsibility when managing essential documents​.

25 April 2025


Research Approvals: submitting your study for UCLH capacity and capability approvals


This session provides attendees with the procedure and requirements for gaining approval to conduct clinical research studies at UCLH. This approval process is commonly known as "capacity and capability." The session is suitable for researchers, coordinators, managers and delivery staff who are involved with the set-up and delivery of studies at UCLH.

7 May 2025


Conducting clinical research studies: What are SAEs, SUSARs and Research Incidents?


This seminar will provide attendees with an overview of safety and incident reporting requirements for Sponsors and Investigator Sites for all types of interventional studies (CTIMPs, non-CTIMPs and Medical Device studies).

26 June 2025


How do I record  recruitment to studies taking place at UCLH?


An overview of the systems and processes used to capture recruitment of research participants at UCLH, including the flow of information across the various systems (Epic, EDGE, CPMS, NIHR Open Data Platform). The seminar is suited to staff who recruit participants into research studies at UCLH, or who report on this information.

10 July 2025


How to submit an amendment for your hosted or sponsored study


The seminar will focus on the amendment review process and provide background around how and what you need to do from submission to approval of an amendment.

24 September 2025


Research Approvals: submitting your study for UCL sponsorship review (NHS research, drug studies)


This session will provide attendees with the steps required to obtain regulatory sponsorship for studies which are considered as clinical trials (drug studies) or medical devices (which require MHRA authorisation). The session is suitable for researchers, coordinators, managers and delivery staff who are involved in submitting studies to NHS ethics and regulatory committees.

8 October 2025


Research Approvals: submitting your study for UCL and UCLH sponsorship review (NHS research, non-drug studies)


This session will provide attendees with the steps required to obtain regulatory sponsorship for clinical research studies. This session will cover the procedures for sponsorship through UCL and UCLH for all study types with the exception of clinical trials (drug studies) or medical devices (which require MHRA authorisation). The session is suitable for researchers, coordinators, managers and delivery staff who are involved in submitting studies to NHS ethics and regulatory committees. This session is open to UCL and UCLH staff only.

15 October 2025


National Contract Value Review (NCVR) and iCT- New process. What is AcoRD and SoECAT? How to complete on line SoECAT for Research funding application


A short presentation on NCVR (National contract value Review), a new process that enables Sponsor, NHS Trusts and NIHR to work together to speed up the costing and contracting activities for commercial studies. A review of AcoRD (Attributing the costs of health and social care Research and Development) and SoECAT (Schedule of Events Cost Attribution Tool) and how to complete on line SoECAT for funding application.

7 November 2025


Research Approvals: submitting your study for UCLH capacity and capability approvals


This session provides attendees with the procedure and requirements for gaining approval to conduct clinical research studies at UCLH. This approval process is commonly known as "capacity and capability". The session is suitable for researchers, coordinators, managers and delivery staff who are involved with the set-up and delivery of studies at UCLH.

12 November 2025


National Contract Value Review (NCVR) and iCT- New process. What is AcoRD and SoECAT? How to complete on line SoECAT for Research funding application


A short presentation on NCVR (National contract value Review),a new process that enables Sponsor, NHS Trusts and NIHR to work together to speed up the costing and contracting activities for commercial studies. A review of AcoRD (Attributing the costs of health and social care Research and Development) and SoECAT (Schedule of Events Cost Attribution Tool) and how to complete on line SoECAT for funding application.

21 November 2025


Conducting clinical research studies: What are SAEs, SUSARs and Research Incidents?


This seminar will provide attendees with an overview of safety and incident reporting requirements for Sponsors and Investigator Sites for all types of interventional studies (CTIMPs, non-CTIMPs and Medical Device studies).

27 November 2025


Preparing for regulatory and sponsor audits and inspections (NHS sites)


How to prepare for regulatory and sponsor audits and inspections (NHS sites).


Drop-in sessions

Amendment drop-in sessions

Amendments drop in sessions are for researchers who have submitted or plan to submit a study amendment to the JRO to approval. There are 2 drop-in sessions for amendments which will each run on various dates throughout the year. One session is for amendments to studies which are sponsored by UCLH or UCL. The other is for amendments to studies where UCLH is a site in the study but not the sponsor. Please come to the session which applies to you. Depending on the complexity of the amendment required, researchers may be able to receive approval on the same or next day.

To register for an amendments drop-in session, contact: uclh.jro-communications@nhs.net. All dates are listed in the drop-down menu below.

Patient and public involvement drop-in sessions

Researchers with questions about patient and public involvement (PPI) in research can attend drop-in advice sessions held online from the Clinical Research Facility and Biomedical Research Facility at UCLH. They are run on the first Wednesday of every month from 1pm-2pm.

Drop in with any questions you have related to PPI, whether it’s about:

  • How to run focus groups
  • how to find patient partners
  • whether you need to reimburse patients for their time
  • or anything else.

Find out more about PPI drop-in sessions.

To receive an invite for a patient and public involvement session, email p.renias-zuva@ucl.ac.uk or christine.menzies@nhs.net. All dates are listed in the drop-down menu below.

Drop-in sessions list (click to view all dates)

5 February 2025

1pm to 2pm
Patient and public involvement drop-in session

5 March 2025

1pm to 2pm
Patient and public involvement drop-in session

2 April 2025

1pm to 2pm
Patient and public involvement drop-in session

7 May 2025

1pm to 2pm
Patient and public involvement drop-in session

4 June 2025

1pm to 2pm
Patient and public involvement drop-in session
Additional Training Resources

For any further queries, please contact the JRO course administrators via: jro-communications@nhs.net.