
Joint Research Office


Careers in Clinical Research

A diverse and skilled workforce is crucial to delivering high quality research across health and social care.

Clinical Research nurses, midwives, allied health professionals, doctors, technical and support staff all work together to make research happen.

This workforce supports functions including:

  • developing and leading on studies
  • approvals and business functions
  • data management
  • screening and consenting
  • patient follow-up and care
  • administering interventions
  • taking tests,
  • and providing access to NHS services.

Whatever your background, a career supporting research could be an option. It can help you develop new areas of interest and bolster existing skills and qualifications. 

Find out about different NHS research careers by clicking on the boxes below.  

More information and advice is also available through the through the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR careers pages.

We highly value feedback from staff who access the resources on these web pages. Please fill out our anonymous survey to provide us with feedback on our ‘Careers in Clinical Research’ campaign.

Individual in hospital scrubs

Research Investigators

Registered clinical staff such as doctors, nurses, midwives and AHPs leading and developing research studies including Principal Investigators, clinical academics and research fellowships.

Doctor talking to patient

Research Delivery

Delivering research studies within the NHS including consenting patients, participant follow-up, and carrying out procedures and interventions.

Medication in blister packs

Technical Service Support

Specialist NHS support to research studies including pharmacy, information governance, and technical and support services.

Multi-ethnic audience sitting in a row while listening to presentation at conference hall

Events and Training

The Joint Research Office hosts a wide range of research training, which is open to all staff, whether wanting to learn something new or refresh knolwedge and skills.

Woman working on laptop at desk

Blogs from Research Staff

Read blogs and watch videos from our research staff as they give insight into their involvement in research, what they enjoy about it and their careers to date.

Gentleman sitting at desk

Research Support and Business Functions

Supporting the regulatory and business functions of research including set-up, governance, finance, legal, performance and patient and public involvement.

UCLH and UCL research staff

If you already work in research at UCLH or UCL, you may find the links below useful to accessing internal courses and support.

Would you like to hear more about research at UCLH/UCL? Follow us on X (formerly known as Twitter). Our username is @UCLHResearch. Alternatively, request to receive the Research Directorate Newsletter by emailing uclh.jro-communications@nhs.net with a request to be added to the distribution list.

Visit our blogs to find out about current staff and their career path.

Visit our events page for training and learning opportunities.