- UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Scholarship in memory of renowned neurologist James Samuel Risien Russell
We are delighted to announce three partial fees only scholarships worth £4000 each for Home fee paying students (see word document for eligibility requirements). The scholarship programme is to support students from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic groups. Preference will be given to people from Black British background, as they are currently under-represented at UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology.
James Samuel Risien Russell (1863 - 1939) was appointed resident medical officer at the National Hospital (1888) and was one of the first black physicians to be appointed at the National.
The scholarship is offered on the basis of academic merit. The scholarships are only available to students who have applied to study one of the eligible degree programmes (all QSIoN programmes except MSc/Dip/Cert in Clinical Neurology).Closing date: 5pm (UK time) TBC
- UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology International Excellence Scholarships
We are delighted to announce four partial fees only scholarships worth £6000 each for overseas fee paying students. We would like to celebrate the rich history of the UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology in welcoming students from across the globe who have contributed so much to the success of our Institute and programmes of study. In 2025/26 academic year we have students from 54 countries currently studying for a masters.
The scholarship is offered on the basis of academic merit. The scholarships are only available to students who have applied to study one of the eligible degree programmes (all QSIoN programmes except MSc/Dip/Cert in Clinical Neurology).
Closing date: 5pm (UK time) 31st July 2025.
- UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology Stroke Academic Excellence Scholarship
We are delighted to announce the availability of two partial fees only scholarships. One worth £4000 and the other £5000 for applicants to the UCL Clinical Neuroscience: Stroke Medicine MSc. We continue to see advances in our understanding of disease mechanisms and new treatment options for stroke. These prestigious new scholarships aim to support applicants who have a strong interest in contributing to stroke research.
These will be competitively allocated based on your statement in the below application form for students enrolling for academic year 2025/26. The £5000 scholarship is for UK fee payers only and is derived from the Lady Estelle Wolfson Fund at NHNN. The £4000 scholarship is open to UK and overseas fee payers.
Closing date: 5pm (UK time) 31st July 2025
- UCLFAA Scholarship: MSc in Dementia: from Neuroscience to Clinical Practice
The MSc in Dementia Scholarship is available to US-domiciled students applying to the Dementia: from Neuroscience to Clinical Practice MSc, at the Institue of Neurology at UCL. The $20,000 award will support tuition or maintenance costs for one student studying full-time over a year. UCL assesses the scholarship based on academic merit and financial need, considering information from the scholarship application form and the student's university application.
The Dementia: from Neuroscience to Clinical Practice MSc, offered by the UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology, tackles one of the biggest global health problems facing society today. It provides research-oriented and cutting-edge training in the study of dementia and its scientific basis, delivered by international leaders in the science and practice of dementia.
For an application form please email:
Closing date: 5pm (UK time) 27 June 2025
- Previous scholarship recipients