
Integrated Screening Outcomes Surveillance Service



 For any enquiries about conferences, please contact us.

Recent Conferences

Emily Dema, Rebecca Sconza, Helen Peters, Alasdair Bamford, Hermione Lyall, Kate Francis, Claire Thorne. HIV Glasgow, Glasgow November 2024

Helen Peters, Rebecca Sconza, Kate Francis, Laura Byrne, Claire Thorne. HIV Glasgow, Glasgow November 2024

Rebecca Sconza, Helen Peters, Laurette Bukasa, Laura Byrne, Alasdair Bamford, Hermione Lyall, Graham P Taylor, Claire Thorne. HIV Glasgow, Glasgow November 2024

 Rebecca Sconza, Laurette Bukasa, Helen Peters, Alasdair Bamford, Hermione Lyall, Graham P Taylor, Laura Byrne, Claire Thorne. International Workshop on Pediatrics & HIV, Munich July 2024

 Helen Peters, Kate Francis, Rebecca Sconza, Laura Smeaton, Claire Thorne. International Workshop on Pediatrics & HIV, Munich July 2024

Helen Peters, Kate Francis, Laura Smeaton, Claire Thorne. British Association for Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH), Bournemouth June 2024

Helen Peters, Kate Francis, Rebecca Sconza, Laura Smeaton, Claire Thorne.  British Association for Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH), Bournemouth June 2024

Emily Dema, Rebecca Sconza, Helen Peters, Kate Francis, Laura Smeaton, Claire Thorne. British Association for Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH), Bournemouth June 2024. Awarded Best Poster.

Laurette Bukasa, Rebecca Sconza, Helen Peters, Alasdair Bamford, Hermione Lyall, Graham P. Taylor, Laura Byrne, Claire Thorne. British HIV Association (BHIVA), Birmingham April 2024

Emily Dema, Helen Peters, Yvonne Gilleece, Claire Thorne. British HIV Association (BHIVA), Birmingham April 2024

Helen Peters, Laurette Bukasa, Kate Francis, Rebecca Sconza, Claire Thorne. British Association for Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH), Llandudno, Wales June 2023. Awarded STI BMJ journal prize for most publishable work

Helen Peters, Kate Francis, Elena Ahmed, Buthainah Ahmed, Rebecca Sconza, Claire Thorne. British Association for Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH), Llandudno, Wales June 2023

Kate Francis, Helen Peters, Laurette Bukasa, Rebecca Sconza, Claire Thorne. British Association for Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH), Llandudno, Wales June 2023

Laurette Bukasa, Helen Peters, Claire Thorne. British HIV Association (BHIVA), Gateshead April 2023. Awarded Best Oral Presentation

Kate Francis, Rebecca Sconza, Claire Thorne, Helen Peters. British HIV Association (BHIVA), Gateshead April 2023

 Gabriela Toledo, Kate Francis, Stella Georgiou, Sally Cavanagh, Anna Kafkalias, Claire Thorne, Helen Peters. British HIV Association (BHIVA),Gateshead April 2023

Kate Francis, Helen Peters, Laurette Bukasa, Rebecca Sconza, Claire Thorne. British HIV Association (BHIVA), Gateshead April 2023

Kate Francis, Gabriela Toledo, Stella Georgiou, Laurette Bukasa, Rebecca Sconza, Clare Thorne, Helen Peters. British HIV Association (BHIVA), Gateshead April 2023

Gabriela Toledo, Kate Francis, Stella Georgiou, Sally Cavanagh, Anna Kafkalias, Claire Thorne, Helen Peters. Children's HIV Association (Chiva), London March 2023

Laurette Bukasa, Hajra Okhai, Helen Peters, Caroline Sabin, Claire Thorne. International Workshop on HIV and Women, Seattle, February 2023

Helen Peters, Laurette Bukasa, Kate Francis, Rebecca Sconza, Claire Thorne. HIV Glasgow, Glasgow October 2022

Helen Peters, Kate Francis, Rebecca Sconza, Laurette Bukasa, Claire Thorne. HIV Glasgow, Glasgow October 2022

Kate Francis, Claire Thorne, Rebecca Sconza, Helen Peters. HIV Glasgow, Glasgow October 2022

Kate Francis, Laurette Bukasa, Rebecca Sconza, Claire Thorne. HIV Glasgow, Glasgow October 2022

Royal College of Midwives Conference, Cardiff October 2022

Helen Peters, Kate Francis, Rebecca Sconza, Laurette Bukasa, Claire Thorne. British HIV Association (BHIVA), Manchester April 2022 

Helen Peters, Laurette Bukasa, Kate Francis, Rebecca Sconza, Claire Thorne. British HIV Association (BHIVA), Manchester April 2022

Helen Peters, Kate Francis, Rebecca Sconza, Laurette Bukasa, Claire Thorne. International Workshop on HIV and Women, April 2022 (virtual)

Laurette Bukasa, Helen Peters, Mario Cortina Borja, Claire Thorne. International Workshop on HIV and Women, April 2022 (virtual). Awarded Runner Up for Young Investigator Award

Helen Peters, Kate Francis, Laura Smeaton, Claire Thorne.  Children's HIV Association (Chiva), London September 2021

Rebecca Sconza, Helen Peters, Claire Thorne. International Workshop on HIV Paediatrics, July 2021

Rowan Eastabrook, Helen Peters, Claire Thorne. International Workshop on HIV Paediatrics, July 2021 (virtual)

Kate Francis, Claire Thorne, Jenny Tosswill, Helen Peters. Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH), June 2021 (virtual)

Kate Francis, Laura Smeaton, Claire Thorne, Helen Peters. Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH), June 2021 (virtual)

Helen Peters, Kate Francis, Rebecca Sconza, Claire Thorne. Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH), June 2021 (virtual)

Helen Peters, Kate Francis, Laura Smeaton, Claire Thorne. British HIV Association (BHIVA) with the British Association for Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH),  April 2021 (virtual). Awarded BHIVA/BASHH Commendation

Helen Peters, Kate Francis, Laurette Bukasa, Rebecca Sconza, Laura Smeaton, Sharon Webb, Claire Thorne. Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI), March 2021 (virtual)


Conference Archive


Kate Francis, Claire Thorne, Jennifer Tosswill, Helen Peters. British HIV Association (BHIVA), November 2020 (virtual). Awarded BHIVA Commendation

 Helen Peters, Kate Francis, Sharon Webb, Claire Thorne. British HIV Association (BHIVA), November 2020 (virtual).

Helen Peters, Kate Francis, Siobhan Crichton, Ali Judd, Claire Thorne, Intira Jeannie Collins. International Workshop on HIV Paediatrics, November 2020 (virtual).

 Helen Peters, Kate Francis, Sharon Webb, Laura Smeaton, Claire Thorne. International Workshop on HIV Paediatrics, November 2020 (virtual)

Helen Peters, Kate Francis, Laura Smeaton, Sharon Webb, Claire Thorne. British Association for Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH), October 2020 (virtual).

Helen Peters, Kate Francis, Rebecca Sconza, Claire Thorne - Childrens HIV Association (Chiva), October 2020 (virtual). Awarded Best Oral Presentation

 Helen Peters, Kate Francis, Siobhan Crichton, Ali Judd, Claire Thorne, Intira Jeannie Collins. European Society for Padeatric Infectious Diseases (ESPID), October 2020 (virtual).

 Helen Peters, Kate Francis, Sharon Webb, Claire Thorne.  European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases (ESPID), October 2020 (virtual).

Kate Francis, Sharon Webb, Laura Smeaton, Claire Thorne, Helen Peters - British Association for Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH), October 2020 (virtual). Awarded Best Oral Presentation

H Yan, H Peters, C Thorne. Public Health Science Conference, London, November 2019.

K Francis, C Thorne, R Sconza, A Horn, H Peters. International Workshop on HIV Pediatrics, Mexico, July 2019.

K Francis, C Thorne, A Horn and H Peters. British HIV Association (BHIVA). Bournemouth, 2019. 

H Peters, K Francis, R Sconza, A Horn and C Thorne. Children's HIV Association (Chiva). (oral presentation) London, 2019. 

H Peters, K Francis, R Sconza, A Horn and C Thorne. HIV Drug Therapy Conference. (poster presentation) Glasgow, 2018.

H Peters, K Francis, R Sconza and C Thorne. British HIV Association (BHIVA) Conference. Edinburgh, 2018. 

V Rasi, H Peters, R Sconza and M Cortina Borja. British HIV Association (BHIVA) Conference. Edinburgh, 2018. (oral presentation).

H Peters, L Byrne, P Tookey, S Webb and C Thorne. British HIV Association (BHIVA) Conference. Edinburgh, 2018. (oral presentation).

R Sconza, V Rasi, H Peters, M Cortina-Borja and C Thorne. Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI). Boston, 2018.

J Collins, E Chappell, H Peters, K Francis, C Thorne and A Judd. Children's HIV Association (Chiva) Conference. London, 2018.

H Peters, K Francis, A Horn and C Thorne. Children's HIV Association (Chiva) Conference. London, 2018.

G Favarato, R Sconza, H Peters, A Horn, K Francis, P Tookey and C Thorne. MBRRACE-UK Perinatal Confidential Enquiry Report Launch Meeting. London, 2017.

G Favarato, R Sconza, H Peters, A Horn, K Francis, P Tookey and C Thorne. 9th International AIDS Society Conference on HIV Science (IAS). Paris, 2017.

C Thorne, G Favarato, H Peters, T Soriano-Arandes, M Floridia, A Colbers al. 9th International Workshop on HIV Paediatrics (IAS). Paris,  2017.

H Peters, E Chiappini, L Ene, G Favarato, C Gingaras, C Kahlert, I Latysheva, R Malyuta, N Mendoza-Palomar, L Prieto, V Rosenberg, A Soriano-Arandes, E Voronin and CThorne for EPPICC. 9th International Workshop on HIV Paediatrics (IAS). Paris, 2017.

J Collins, E Chappell, H Peters, K Francis and C Thorne. 9th International Workshop on HIV Paediatrics (IAS). Paris, 2017.

V Rasi and C Thorne. 9th International Workshop on HIV Paediatrics (IAS). Paris, 2017.

R Sconza, H Peters and C Thorne. 19th Annual National HIV Nurses Association (NHIVNA). Bristol, 2017.

H Peters, K Francis and C Thorne. 19th Annual National HIV Nurses Association (NHIVNA). Bristol, 2017. (oral presentation).

H Peters, K Francis, A Judd, J Collins and C Thorne. Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI). Seattle, USA, 2017.

G Favarato, C Townsend, H Bailey and C Thorne for the National Study of HIV in Pregnancy and Childhood (NSHPC). Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI). Seattle, USA, 2017.

 Kate Francis, Shema Tariq, Helen Peters and Pat Tookey. British HIV Association (BHIVA). Manchester, 2016. Children's HIV Association (Chiva) Bristol, 2016. National HIV Nurses Association (NHIVNA). Manchester, 2016.

Helen Peters, Laura Bryne, Kate Harding and Pat Tookey. The British Maternal and Fetal Medicine Society (BMFMS). Birmingham, 2016.

Helen Peters, Kate Francis, Ali Judd and Claire Thorne. Children's HIV Association (Chiva). Bristol, 2016.

UK National Clinical Audit 2014: Management of pregnancies in women with HIV. S Raffe, H Curtis, P Tookey, H Peters, A Freedman, Y Gilleece on behalf of the British HIV Association Audit and Standards Sub-Committee. European AIDS Clinical Society Barcelona 2015

Outcomes after 2 Years on Antiretroviral Therapy (ART): Comparison of Women who were ART-naïve and Women who Previously Used Short-course ART in Pregnancy (2015) S. Huntington, C. Thorne, J. Anderson, M.L. Newell, G.P. Taylor, D. Pillay, T. Hill, P. Tookey, C. Sabin, for UK CHIC and the NSHPC. 15th European AIDS conference 2015, Barcelona.

Antiretroviral drug resistance in pregnant women living with HIV in England & Wales: preliminary results from the matching of three national HIV surveillance databases (oral) (2015). L. Byrne, C. Chau, V. Delpech, D. Dunn, P. Tookey, A. Tostevin, C. Thorne. BHIVA, Brighton.

Invasive Procedures in Pregnancy and at Delivery among HIV-Positive Women (2015). H. Peters, K. Harding, K. Francis, P. Tookey. British Maternal and Fetal Medicine Society, London.

Pregnancy outcomes in women growing up with perinatally acquired HIV in the UK and Ireland (2014). L. Byrne, C. Thorne, C. Foster, P. Tookey. HIV Glasgow 2014, Glasgow.

Does pregnancy increase the risk of ART-induced hepatotoxicity among HIV-positive women? (2014). S. Huntington, C. Thorne, J. Anderson, M.L. Newell, G.P. Taylor, D. Pillay, T. Hill, P. Tookey, C. Sabin, for UK CHIC and the NSHPC. HIV Glasgow 2014, Glasgow.

"No one has God's Pharmacy": Pentecostalism and divine healing in the context of HIV in migrant African communities in the UK (Poster 52) (2014). S. Tariq, A. Pillen, J. Elford, P.A. Tookey. BHIVA Liverpool 2014, Liverpool

HIV-positive African women's experiences of healthcare in the UK during pregnancy: a qualitative study (Poster 136) (2014). S. Tariq, A. Pillen, J. Elford, P.A. Tookey. BHIVA Liverpool 2014, Liverpool.

Outcomes related to 4864 pregnancies with exposure to Lopinavir/ritonavir (LPV/r) (2014). P.A. Tookey, C. Thorne, M. Martinez-Tristani, M. Norton, J. van Wyk. HIV Glasgow 2014, Glasgow.

NSHPC audit of perinatal HIV in the UK since 2006: progress report (oral) (2014). L. Byrne, H. Peters, P. Tookey. 8th Annual Conference of the Children's HIV Association (Chiva), Manchester.

Duration of ruptured membranes and risk of vertical transmission in women with HIV (oral) (2014). K. Harding, C. Townsend, H. Peters, A. De Ruiter, K. Francis, G. Taylor, P. Tookey. Perinatal Medicine 2014, Harrogate.

Variation in mode of delivery for HIV-positive women in UK and Irish hospitals, 2008-2013 (oral) (2014). H. Peters, L. Byrne, P. Tookey. Third Joint Conference of BHIVA and BASSH 2014, Liverpool.

Perinatal HIV audit update (oral) (2014). P. Tookey. NSC Infectious Diseases in Pregnancy Screening Programme - Achievements & Aspirations, London.

MTCT Continues to Decline in the UK and Ireland: 2007-2011 (poster) (2013). L. Byrne, C. Townsend, C. Thorne, M. Cortina-Borja, C. Peckham, P. Tookey. 20th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI 2013), Atlanta, USA.

Place of diagnosis and CD4 count in pregnant HIV-positive women diagnosed before conception in the UK and Ireland (2007-2012) (poster) (2013). L. Byrne, C.L. Townsend, C. Thorne, P.A. Tookey. 19th Annual Conference of the British HIV Association (BHIVA 2013), Manchester, UK.

Recruiting HIV negative siblings into research studies of perinatally HIV-infected young people: experiences from the first 9 months of the Adolescents and Adults Living with Perinatal HIV (AALPHI) cohort, UK. (2013). L. McDonald, M. Le Provost, A. Judd, C. O'Leary, D. Dunn, C. Thorne, D. Mercy, P.A. Tookey, D.M. Gibb, on behalf of the AALPHI study group. 7th Annual Chiva Conference, Leeds

HIV-infected children diagnosed in the UK and Ireland 2000-2012: an overview (poster) (2013). H. Peters, P.A. Tookey. 7th Annual Chiva Conference, Leeds

Loss to follow-up after pregnancy among women living with HIV in the UK: the role of African ethnicity (oral) (2013). S. Tariq, C. Chau, C.E. French, J. Elford, M. Cortina-Borja, A. Brown, V. Delpech, P.A. Tookey. 19th Annual Conference of the British HIV Association (BHIVA 2013), Manchester, UK.

"I just accept it, but in my heart it pains me because as a woman you have to breastfeed your baby." The impact of infant feeding decisions on African women living with HIV in London (poster) (2013). S. Tariq, P.A. Tookey, J. Elford, A. Pillen. 19th Annual Conference of the British HIV Association (BHIVA 2013), Manchester, UK.

HIV and pregnancy - current picture and challenges (poster) (2013). P.A. Tookey. Public Health England Annual Conference Sept 2013, Warwick

MTCT continues to decline in the UK and Ireland: 2007-2011 (oral) (2013). C. Townsend, L. Byrne, C. Thorne, M. Cortina-Borja, C. Peckham, P. Tookey. 5th International Workshop on HIV Pediatrics, June 2013, Kuala Lumpur.

The impact of HIV infection and antiretroviral therapy on the predicted risk of Down's syndrome (oral) (2012). T.G. Charlton, J.M. Franklin, M. Douglas, C.E. Short, I. Mills, R. Smith, A. Clarke, P.A. Tookey, M. Cortina-Borja, J. Smith, G. Taylor. 18th Annual Conference of the British HIV Association (BHIVA 2012), Birmingham, UK.

Diagnosis of HIV with Low CD4 Count in Pregnancy: UK and Ireland, 2000 to 2010 (poster) (2012). D. de la Rosa-Zamboni, J. Masters, K. Baisley, C. Thorne, P. Tookey. 19th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI 2012), Seattle, USA.

Repeat Pregnancies among HIV-infected Women: Immunologic Status and Virologic Outcomes among those not on Antiretroviral Therapy at Conception (themed discussion and poster presentation) (2012). C. French, C. Thorne, S. Tariq, M. Cortina-Borja, P.A. Tookey. 19th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI 2012), Seattle, USA.

Pregnancies among women seen for HIV-clinical care - predictors and trends over time (poster) (2012). S. Huntington, C. Thorne, J. Anderson, M.L. Newell, G. Taylor, D. Pillay, T. Hill, P. Tookey, C. Sabin. 18th Annual Conference of the British HIV Association (BHIVA 2012), Birmingham, UK.

HIV positive pregnant women who receive less then two weeks of ART before delivery: why does it occur? (oral) (2012). C. Modestini, S. Roedling, C. French, N. Martin, P. Tookey, F. Burns. 18th Annual Conference of the British HIV Association (BHIVA 2012), Birmingham, UK.

Multiple pregnancy in HIV-infected mothers in the UK and Ireland 1990-2011: An overview (oral) (2012). C. Nan, J. Masters, P.A. Tookey. 6th Annual Chiva Conference, Birmingham, UK.

Multiple pregnancy in HIV-infected mothers in the UK and Ireland 1990-2011: An overview (poster) (2012). C. Nan, J.I. Masters, P.A. Tookey. 14th Congress of the International Society for Twin Studies, Florence, Italy.

Loss to follow-up after pregnancy among women living with HIV in the UK: the role of African ethnicity (poster) (2012). S. Tariq, C. Chau, C.E. French, J. Elford, M. Cortina-Borja, A. Brown, V. Delpech, P.A. Tookey. XIX International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2012), Washington, D.C., USA.

The association between ethnicity and late presentation to antenatal care among pregnant women living with HIV in the UK and Ireland (2012). S. Tariq, J. Elford, M. Cortina-Borja, P. Tookey. 18th Annual Conference of the British HIV Association (BHIVA 2012), Birmingham, UK.

"I just accept it, but in my heart it pains me because as a woman you have to breastfeed your baby." The impact of infant feeding decisions on African women living with HIV in London (poster) (2012). S. Tariq, P.A. Tookey, J. Elford, A. Pillen. XIX International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2012), Washington, D.C., USA.

Epidemiology of HIV among pregnant women in the UK and Ireland (invited speaker) (2012). P. Tookey. Joint RCOG/BHIVA Multidisciplinary Conference, RCOG, London.

HIV infected children born in the UK since 2000 (invited speaker) (2012). P. Tookey. RSM Paediatrics & Child Health Section in association with CHIVA: Growing up with HIV - The story from birth till adolescence, RSM, London

Instrumental births in women with HIV in the UK and Ireland: data from national surveillance, July 2008 to December 2011 (poster) (2012). P. Tookey, A. Jackson, J. Masters, K. Harding. 18th Annual Conference of the British HIV Association (BHIVA 2012), Birmingham, UK.

Repeat pregnancies among HIV-infected migrant women in the United Kingdom and Ireland, (2011). C. French, C. Thorne, M. Cortina-Borja, S. Tariq, P. Tookey, 6th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention (IAS 2011), Rome.

Are sequential pregnancies in HIV positive women associated with an increased risk of MTCT?, (2011). C. French, C. Thorne, M. Cortina-Borja, P. Tookey, 18th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI 2011), Boston.

Management of repeat pregnancies among HIV-infected women in the Uk and Ireland,(2011). C. French, C. Thorne, M. Cortina-Borja, P. Tookey,  17th Annual Conference of the British HIV Association (BHIVA 2011), Bournemouth.

Duration of ruptured membranes and vertical transmission of HIV: data from national surveillance in the UK and Ireland, (2011). H. Haile-Selassie, J. Masters, A. de Ruiter, P. Tookey, 5th Annual Chiva Conference, Cardiff.

Deliveries at <34 weeks gestation to HIV-positive women between 2005 and 2010 in the Uk and Ireland: management and outcomes,(2011). H. Haile-Selassie, J. Masters, P. Tookey, 6th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention (IAS 2011), Rome.

HIV-2 infection in pregnant women living in the UK/Ireland: data from national surveillance 1997-2010 (poster) (2011). H. Haile-Selassie, J. Masters, P. Tookey, 17th Annual Conference of the British HIV Association (BHIVA 2011), Bournemouth.

Neonatal exposure to Kaletra: UK and Ireland surveillance data,(2011). J. Masters, H. Haile-Selassie, P. Tookey, 5th Annual Chiva Conference Cardiff.

Among migrant African women, increased duration of stay in the UK or Ireland reduces the risk of detectable maternal HIV viral load at delivery (poster) (2011). S. Tariq, M. Cortina-Borja, J. Elford, P.A. Tookey, 17th Annual Conference of the British HIV Association (BHIVA 2011), Bournemouth.

Uptake of antiretroviral therapy in pregnancy is reduced in women from West Africa living in the UK and Ireland (poster) (2011). S. Tariq, J. Elford, M. Cortina-Borja, C. French, P. Tookey 6th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention (IAS 2011), Rome.

The impact of ethnicity on presentation to antenatal care in women living with HIV in the UK and Ireland (oral) (2011). S. Tariq, J. Elford, M. Cortina-Borja, P.A. Tookey, AIDS Impact, Santa Fe.

Time to HIV DNA-PCR Positivity According to Maternal/Infant Antiretroviral Prophylactic Regimen in Non-Breastfed HIV-Infected Infants in Populations with Predominantly Non-B HIV Subtype: A Collaborative Analysis of Data from Cohorts in Thailand, South Africa, Botswana, and the United Kingdom (oral) (2011). International Collaborative Study of Paediatric HIV Diagnostic Tests, 6th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention (IAS 2011), Rome.

Concurrent HBV, HCV, syphilis and/or chlamydia in HIV-infected pregnant women in the UK and Ireland (poster), (2011). P. Tookey, J. Masters, C. TownsendC. Thorne 6th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention (IAS 2011), Rome.


Pregnancy and mode of delivery in HIV positive women at two London centres - have the BHIVA pregnancy guidelines led to an increase in vaginal deliveries in women with undetectable viral load?,(2007). S. Roedling, C.L. Townsend, E. Jungmann, 13th Annucal Conference of the British HIV Association, Edinburgh, pp. Supplement 1: V50.

An audit of laboratory diagnosis of HIV-1 infections in infants,(2007). J. Tosswill, D. Pillay, M. Zuckerman, J. Masters, P. Tookey, J. Parry, Annual British HIV Association Conference.

Mother-to-child transmission of HIV in the UK and Ireland: 1990-2004, (2007). C.L. Townsend, M. Cortina-Borja, C.S. Peckham, P.A. Tookey, Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Los Angeles.

Premature delivery, vertical transmission and antiretroviral therapy in HIV-infected pregnant women in the UK and Ireland,(2007). C.L. Townsend, M. Cortina-Borja, C.S. Peckham, P.A. Tookey, 11th International Workshop on HIV Observational Databases, Monte Carlo.

Vertically acquired HIV infections in the UK and Ireland in the era of routine antenatal testing (2000-2005),(2007). C.L. Townsend, J. Masters, C.S. Peckham, P.A. Tookey, Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, York.

Surveillance of HIV infection in pregnant women in the United Kingdom and Ireland, 1990-2006, (2007). C.L. Townsend, J. Masters, P.A. Tookey, Health Protection Agency Conference, Warwick.

Interpretation of serum a-fetoprotein, Human Chorionic Gonadotrphin and the risk of Down's Syndrome in pregnant women infected with HIV (Poster 655),(2008). J. Franklin, A. Douglas, A. Clarke, G. Nartey, P. Tookey, M. Cortina-Borja, J. Smith, G. Taylor, Conferece on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Boston.

Reasons for perinatal HIV transmissions in England 2002-2005, (2008). P. Tookey, J. Masters, I. Vaughan, F. Lyons, S. Farthing, A. Namiba, M. Dixon, H. Lyall, G. Tudor-Williams, 17th International AIDS conference, Mexico City, pp. Abstract MPE0498.

Differences in the association between HAART in pregnancy and premature delivery: a comparison of three studies in the United States and Europe, (2008). C.L. Townsend, J. Schulte, C. Thorne, K. I. Dominguez, M. Cortina-Borja, C.S. Peckham, P.A. Tookey, B. Bohannon, M. L. Newell, 17th International AIDS Conferences, Mexico City, pp. Abstract THPE0248.

Very low risk of mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) in women on HAART who achieve viral suppression: Data from the United Kingdom and Ireland, 2000-2006, (2008). C.L. Townsend, M. Cortina-Borja, C.S. Peckham, H. Lyall, A. de Ruiter, P.A. Tookey, 15th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Boston, pp. Abstract S108.

Differences in the association between ART in pregnancy and premature delivery: a comparison of three studies in the United States and Europe (Poster),(2008). C.L. Townsend, J. Schulte, C. Thorne, K. I. Dominguez, M. Cortina-Borja, C.S. Peckham, P.A. Tookey, M. L. Newell, 12th International Workshop on HIV Observational Databases, Malaga, pp. Abstract 65.

To overdose or underdose? The question of Kaletra in chidlren in the UK/Irish Collaborative HIV Study (CHIPS),(2008). A. S. Walker, K. Boyd, K. Doerholt, H. Lyall, E. Menson, K. Butler, P. Tookey, A. Riordan, D. Shingadia, A. Judd, G. Tudor-Williams, D. Gibb, 9th International Congress on Drug Therapy in HIV Infection, Glasgow, pp. Supplement 1:08.

Congenital abnormalities and in utero exposure to antiretroviral therapy in the UK and Ireland,(2008). B.A. Willey, C.L. Townsend, M. Cortina-Borja, C.S. Peckham, P.A. Tookey, 12th Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health Spring Meeting, York.

Very low risk of mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) in women on HAART who achieve viral suppression: Data from the United Kingdom and Ireland, 2000-2006,(2008). C.L. Townsend, M. Cortina-Borja, C.S. Peckham, H. lyall, A. de Ruiter, P.A. Tookey, 12th Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health Spring Meeting, York, pp. Supplement 1: P8.

Linkage of the UK Collaborative HIV Cohort (CHIC) study and National Study of HIV in Pregnancy and Childhood (NSHPC) to assess ART patterns in pregnant women (Poster),(2009). L. K. Bansi, C. Thorne, P. Tookey, C. A. Sabin, Annual British HIV Association Conference, pp. Supplement 1: 27.

Paediatric mortality from HIV in the UK and Ireland: a CHIVA network survey,(2009). R.M. Crossley, K. Doerholt, J. Masters, E. Menson, M. Sharland, E.H. Lyall, M. Erlewyn-Lajeunesse, European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases.

HIV infection in Central and Eastern European pregnant women living in the UK/Ireland: data from national surveillance 1992-2007,(2009). H. Haile-Selassie, J. Masters, C. Townsend, P. Tookey, Annual British HIV Association Conference, pp. Supplement 1: 42.

Don't forget the children: the dangers of undiagnosed HIV infection in children with HIV-positive parents attending adult HIV services (Poster),(2009). C. Wood, J. Daniels, H. Lyall, P. Tookey, M. Conway, Annual British HIV Association Conference, pp. Supplement 1: 25.

Comparison of the clinical and demographic characteristics of HIV-infected pregnant women with HIV-infected non-pregnant women seen for care in England, Wales and Northern Ireland (Poster),(2009). S. Huntington, T. R. Chadborn, J. Masters, P. Tookey, V. Delpech, Annual British HIV Association Conference, pp. Supplement 1: 42.

Monitoring cancer and death in uninfected children born to HIV-infected women in England and Wales 1996-2006,(2009). J. Masters, C.S. Peckham, P.A. Tookey, 13th Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health Spring Meeting, York, pp. Supplement 1: G30.

Perinatal HIV infection in the UK/Ireland: does maternal seroconversion during breastfeeding play a role?,(2009). P.A. Tookey, J. Masters, C. Peckham, Health Protection Agency Conference, University of Warwick.

Neonatal antiretroviral prophylaxis in infants born to HIV-infected women in the UK and Ireland,(2009). H. Haile-Selassie, C. Townsend, M. Cortina-Borja, P.A. Tookey, Health Protection Agency Conference.

Prematurity and mother-to-child transmission: risk-benefit analysis of antiretroviral therapy in pregnancy (Poster),(2009). C. Townsend, P. Tookey, M. L. Newell, M. Cortina-Borja, 1st International Workshop on HIV Paediatrics, Cape Town.

Exploring heterogeneity in the association between HAART and prematurity in three observational studies,(2009). C.L. Townsend, J. Schulte, C. Thorne, K. I. Dominguez, M. Cortina-Borja, C. Peckham, B. Bohannon, P. Tookey, M. L. Newell, 5th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention.

Premature delivery and mother-to-child transmission: risks and benefits of HAART in pregnancy,(2009). C.L. Townsend, P.A. Tookey, M. Cortina-Borja, 16th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Montreal.

Increasing repeat pregnancies among HIV-infected women in the United Kingdom and Ireland,(2010). C. French, C. Thorne, M. Cortina-Borja, P. Tookey, 18th International AIDS Conference, Vienna.

Duration of ruptured membranes and vertical transmission of HIV: data from national surveillance in the UK and Ireland,(2010). H. Haile-Selassie, A. de Ruiter, P. Tookey, Annual British HIV Association Conference, pp. 1.

HIV-infected children diagnosed in the UK and Ireland, 2000-2009: country of birth, timing and reason for testing, (2010). H. Haile-Selassie, J. Masters, P. Tookey, 2nd International Workshop on HIV Paediatrics

Use of antiretroviral therapy during and after pregnancy among HIV-infected women already aware of their infection before conceiving,(2010). S. Huntington, L. K. Bansi, C. Thorne, P. Tookey, C. A. Sabin, Annual British HIV Association Conference.

Children born abroad and diagnosed with HIV-infection in the UK/Ireland, 2000-08,(2010). J. Masters, C. Peckham, P. Tookey, Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, pp. A24.

National Study of HIV in Pregnancy and Childhood update [Powerpoint],(2010). P.A. Tookey, 4th Chiva Annual Conference, Brighton.

Pregnancy outcomes in women growing up with HIV acquired perinatally or in early childhood (Poster),(2010). B. Wiliams, J. Kenny, P. Tookey, C. Foster, Annual British HIV Assocation Conference.


Premature delivery in women receiving HAART: data from national HIV surveillance in the UK and Ireland, 1990-2005 [PDF],(2006). C. Townsend, M. Cortina-Borja, C. Peckham, P. Tookey, Health Protection Agency Conference, Warwick.

Older and wiser: continued improvements in clinical outcome and highly active antiretroviral therapy response in HIV infected children in the UK and Ireland, 1996-2004,(2006). A. Judd, T. Duong, S.A. Walker, P. Tookey, M. Sharland, A. Riordan, H. Lyall, J. Masters, E. Menson, G. Tudor-Williams, K. Butler, S. Donaghy, V. Novelli, C. Peckham, D.M. Gibb, Annual British HIV Assocation Conference, Brighton, pp. Abstract O8.

Older and wiser: continued improvements in clinical outcome and highly active antiretroviral therapy response in HIV infected children in the UK and Ireland, 1996-2004 (Poster),(2006). A. Judd, T. Duong, S. Walker, P. Tookey, M. Sharland, A. Riordan, H. Lyall, J. Masters, E. Menson, G. Tudor-Williams, K. Butler, S. Donaghy, V. Novelli, C. Peckham, D.M. Gibb, Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, York, pp. Supplement 1: G188.

Trends in morbidity, mortality, and exposure to highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), in HIV-infected children in the UK and Ireland, 1996-2004,(2006). A. Judd, T. Duong, S. Walker, P. Tookey, D.M. Gibb, 10th International Workshop on HIV Observational Databases, Madrid, pp. Abstract 49.

Surveillance of HIV infection in pregnant women in the United Kingdom and Ireland, 1990-2004,(2006). C.L. Townsend, J. Masters, P.A. Tookey, 10th International Workshop on HIV Observational Databases, Madrid, pp. Abstract 40.

Trends in reporting of HIV-seropositive children in the United Kingdom and Ireland 1990-2004 (Poster),(2006). C. Townsend, J. Masters, P. Tookey, Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, York, pp. Supplement 1: G188.

Parents' view on long-term follow-up of uninfected children born to HIV-infected women and exposed to antiretroviral therapy (Poster),(2006). C. Hankin, R. Cross, P. Seery, D. Gurtin, Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, York, pp. Supplement 1: G187.

Exposure and response to highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) in ART naive children in the Uk and Ireland,(2006). A. Judd, K. J. Lee, T. Duong, A. S. Walker, K. Butler, S. Donaghy, H. Lyall, J. Masters, E. Menson, V. Novelli, C. Peckham, A. Riordan, M. Sharland, P. Tookey, G. Tudor-Williams, D. Gibb, 16th International AIDS Conference, Toronto, pp. Abstract THPE0106.

Prematurity and antiretroviral therapy: population-based HIV surveillance in the UK and Ireland, 1990-2005,(2006). C.L. Townsend, P.A. Tookey, M. Cortina-Borja, C.S. Peckham, 16the International AIDS Conference, Toronto, pp. Abstract MPE0532.

Feasibility of clinic-based follow-up of uninfected children born to HIV-infected women in the UK: the Children exposed to ART study (CHART),(2006). C.D. Hankin, E.G.H. Lyall, J.I. Masters, C.S. Peckham, P.A. Tookey, 16th International AIDS Conference, Toronto, pp. Abstract TUPE0328.

Universal antenatal HIV testing in Scotland and its effectiveness in detecting previously undiagnosed infection,(2006). G. Codere, K. Roy, L. Shaw, D.J. Goldberg, C. Townsend, P. Tookey, 16th International AIDS Conference, Toronto, pp. Abstract THPE0106.

HIV in pregnancy: Impact of antenatal testing,(2005). P.A. Tookey, North West Regional Antenatal Screening Conference, Liverpool.

Extent of underdosage of antiretroviral therapy in HIV infected children (Poster),(2005). E.N. Menson, A. S. Walker, T. Duong, K. Doerholt, C. Wells, M. Sharland, D.M. Gibb, Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, York, pp. Supplement 2: P23.

Extent of underdosage of antiretroviral therapy in HIV infected children,(2005). E.N. Menson, A. S. Walker, T. Duong, K. Doerholt, C. Wells, M. Sharland, D.M. Gibb, Annual British HIV Assocation Conference, pp. Supplement 1:1-13.

An update of the UK HIV epidemic associated with sub Saharan Africa (Poster),(2005). M. Hill, S. Dougan, J. Masters, V. Delpech, K. Sinka, Health Protection Agency 3rd Annual Conference, University of Warwick.


Poor virological response to HAART in HIV infected infants in the UK and Ireland,(2004). K. Doerholt, T. Duong, D. Gibb, 8th International Workshop on HIV Observational Databases, Montreux.

Comparison of CD4% and total lymphocyte count as markers for when to initiate antiretroviral therapy in HIV-infected children,(2004). D. Dunn, 8th International Workshop on HIV Observational Databases, Montreux.

Variation in the effective dosage of antiretroviral drugs in children,(2004). D. Gibb, S. Walker, K. Doerholt, 8th International Workshop on HIV Observational Databases, Montreux.

Poor virology response to HAART among infants in the collaborative HIV paediatric study (CHIPS) in the UK and Ireland (TuOrB1188),(2004). K. Doerholt, T. Duong, M. Sharland, P. Tookey, K. Butler, H. Lyall, D. Dunn, D.M. Gibb, 16th International AIDS Conference, Bangkok.

Long-term growth in previously untreated HIV infected children starting HAART in the Collaborative HIV Paediatric Study (CHIPS) in the UK and Ireland (Poster TuPeB4424),(2004). K. Doerholt, A. S. Walker, M. Sharland, A. Riordan, V. Novelli, P. Tookey, T. Cole, D. Gibb, 16th International AIDS Conference, Bangkok.

Bayesian approach to synthesis and consistency of HIV surveillance evidence in adults aged 15-45 in England and Wales, for 2001 (Poster MoPeC3646),(2004). A. Goubar, A.E. Ades, D. de Angelis, C. McGarrigle, C.H. Mercer, P. Tookey, K. A. Fenton, O. N. Gill, 16th International AIDS Conference, Bangkok.

Monitoring HIV infection in a low risk, diverse population in the United Kingdom (Poster MoPeC3587),(2004). L. E. Logan, P.A. Tookey, S. Cliffe, M. Cortina-Borja, D. Williams, J. V. Parry, F. Ncube, 16th International AIDS Conference, Bangkok.

Effects of antiretroviral therapy (ART) on morbidity and mortality of UK and Irish HIV infected children,(2004). T. Duong, L. McGee, M. Sharland, G. Tudor-Williams, V. Novelli, K. Butler, A. Finn, P. Tookey, C. Peckham, D. Dunn, D. Gibb, Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, pp. G210.

Follow up of children exposed to antiretroviral therapy in pregnancy (Poster),(2004). C.D. Hankin, P.A. Tookey, E. G.H. Lyall, C.S. Peckham, Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, York, pp. Supplement 1: A76.

HIV infected adolescents: an evolving UK cohort,(2004). C.J. Foster, E.G.H. Lyall, K. Doerholt, T. Duong, P. Tookey, M. Sharland, G. Tudor-Williams, V. Novelli, K. Butler, A. Riordan, D.M. Gibb, Annual British HIV Association Conference, Cardiff, pp. Supplement 2: 017.

Follow up of children expposed to antiretroviral therapy in pregnancy (CHART): a role for HIV physicians?,(2004). C.D. Hankin, P.A. Tookey, E.G.H. Lyall, C.S. Peckham, Annual British HIV Association Conference, Cardiff, pp. Supplement 2: P56.

Treatment interruptions of HAART in paediatric HIV: effect on CD4 count (poster),(2002). V. Leclezio, T. Duong, L. McGee, N. Martinez-Alier, D.M. Gibb, Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health.

Effects of ART on morbidity and mortality of UK and Irish HIV infected children (Abstract TuPeC4730),(2002). D.M. Gibb, T. Duong, L. McGee, M. Sharland, P.A. Tookey, 14th International AIDS Conference, Barcelona.

Progress of antenatal HIV testing shown through Integrated Performance Monitoring,(2001). A. Leiva, S. Cliffe, N. Gill, H. Maguire, S. Truttero, P. Tookey, PHLS 26th Annual Scientific Conference, University of Warwick.

UK antenatal HIV testing - making a difference,(2001). P.A. Tookey, S. Cliffe, Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, pp. Supplement 1: A1-A9.

Recent trends in numbers of children and women requiring care for HIV infections in the UK,(2001). S. Cliffe, P. Tookey, A. Leiva, J. Masters, J. Mortimer, N. MacDonald, D. Goldberg, A. Nicholl, C. Peckham, Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health conference, York, pp. Supplement 1: A10-A68.