
Institute of Communications and Connected Systems


Low Thermal Sensitivity Hollow Core Fiber for Optically-Switched Data Centers

IEEE | Clark K, Yong C, Numkam Fokua ER, Bradley T, et al. | Optical switches offer several benefits over electronic switches, including better scalability, lower power consumption, and lower latency.

6 March 2020

Low Thermal Sensitivity Hollow Core Fiber for Optically-Switched Data Centers


Optical switches offer several benefits over electronic switches, including better scalability, lower power consumption, and lower latency. The end-to-end switching latency in optical switching systems is the sum of the switching time and the clock and data recovery (CDR) locking time.
In short packet dominated data center networks, the CDR locking time limits the end-to-end switching latency. It has been shown that sub-nanosecond CDR locking time is required to achieve high network throughput.
Recent research shows that, scalable and sub-nanosecond CDR can be achieved by synchronizing the clock frequency and phase at all end-points connected to an optical switch.
In such a system, the clock phases to be tracked because of the thermally-induced change of propagation time through standard single mode fiber (SMF-28).
Hollow core fiber has been shown to have 20 times smaller thermal coefficient of delay than SMF-28, offering the potential to simplify the clock phase tracking. In this paper, we investigate the benefits of the low thermal coefficient of delay in hollow core fiber for clock-synchronized data center networks, showing under 625 ps CDR locking time in both a point-to-point and a 2-to-1 optically switched system, using real-time 60-ns packets operating at 25.6 Gb/s.
Based on our results, we estimate that sub-nanosecond CDR locking time can be achieved for a 100 m size data center cluster interconnected by an optical switch using hollow core fiber, without active tracking of clock phase.

Publication Type:Journal Article
Publication Sub Type:Article
Authors:Clark K, Yong C, Numkam Fokua ER, Bradley T, Poletti F, Richardson DJ, Bayvel P, Slavík R, Liu Z
Publisher:Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Publication date:06/03/2020
Journal:Journal of Lightwave Technology
Print ISSN:0733-8724
Optical Fiber Communication, Optical Fibers, Data Centers, Optical Switching, Clock and Data Recovery
Publisher URL:http://ieee.org/
Full text URL:https://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/10083184/

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