Associate Professor in Wireless Communication
T: +44 (0)20 7679 3010 (int. 33010)
Research group
Information and Communication Engineering
Research Lab
Learning and Signal Processing
Virtual reality | Interactive multimedia systems | Online adaptive decision making strategies | IoT | Reinforcement learning
Laura received her M.S. and PhD degrees, both in electrical engineering, from the University of Bologna, Italy, in 2005 and 2009, respectively. During 2007, she was a visiting scholar at the University of California at San Diego (UCSD), CA, and since 2009, she has been a frequent visitor to the UCSD, working with Prof. Pamela Cosman and Prof. Laurence Milstein on joint-source and channel coding for wireless communication systems.
Between 2009 and 2011, she worked at the Tele-Robotics and Application (TERA) department at the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT), investigating wireless sensor networks for robotics applications. In 2012, she was a Post-doctoral fellow in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD). Between 2013 and 2016, she was a Post-doctoral fellow in the Signal Processing Laboratory (LTS4) led by Prof. Pascal Frossard at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Switzerland.
In 2016, she has been appointed as Lecturer in the Electronic and Electrical Engineering Institute of University College London (UCL).
- Publications
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