
UCL Global


International student collaboration in the UK and Sweden

Using an environmental monitoring technology project to develop educational bonds between global cities. Part of the Cities partnership Programme.

23 September 2022

This project intends to identify how links between UCL and Stockholm University (SU) can be developed so that groups of students, from each institution, can collaborate internationally.

The long-term desire is to create a rolling programme of such activities but first the problems and opportunities in such a collaboration need to be identified. This project is a means to achieve this. This will be a learning experience for the students but will also help to inform academic staff on the challenges of having joint student projects in the future. Two small groups of students will be tasked with monitoring air quality in their own cities, using sensors based on Raspberry Pi computers that have environmental sensors attached. When combined with the particulate matter sensor, it can also be used for monitoring air quality indoors and outdoors and will enable students to contribute their data to citizen science efforts to monitor air quality via the project ‘Luftdaten’.

The students will be encouraged to develop their own collaborative plans as part of an international team and will identify how to achieve milestones set. Academic staff will operate as ‘supervisors’, define the programme milestones, guide the student participants stay on schedule, and help them set up the collaborative links they will need to interact with.



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