
UCL Department of Geography



The ExCiteS team consists of a core group of academics, research staff and PhD students alongside affiliated staff and alumni, who make invaluable contributions to our projects.


Academic Staff

Professor Muki Haklaym.haklay@ucl.ac.uk020 7679 2745
Dr Jerome Lewisjerome.lewis@ucl.ac.uk+44 (0)20 7679 5567
Dr Claire Ellulc.ellul@ucl.ac.uk+44 (0)20 7679 4118

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​​​Research Staff

Fabien Moustardf.moustard@ucl.ac.uk
Dr Artemis Skarlatidoua.skarlatidou@ucl.ac.uk
Marcos Moreumarcos.moreu@ucl.ac.uk

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PhD Students

Yaqian Wuyaqian.wu.18@ucl.ac.uk
Nicolle Aspeenicolle.aspee.15@ucl.ac.uk
Alex Papadopoulosalex.papadopoulos@ucl.ac.uk
Carolina Comandullicarolina.comandulli.13@ucl.ac.uk
Gretchen Faggg.fagg@ucl.ac.uk

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Past PhD Students

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Affiliated Staff

  • Dr Vyron Antoniou
  • Gail Austen-Price
  • Sofia Basiouka
  • Chris Church
  • Jessica Craig
  • Dr Clare Davies
  • Dr Hilary Geoghegan
  • Noa Lavi

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For Gill

Gill Conquest was an exceptional person and an important part of our team in ExCiteS. Gill's research crossed many disciplinary and international boundaries, as she undertook fieldwork with groups of Indigenous peoples in the Congo Basin AND the computer scientists/anthropologists working with them to develop mobile applications to address pressing issues that they identified.

Gill was diagnosed with late-stage cancer in 2016 and passed away in 2017. We will continue to honour her memory and carry on with the important research she was doing.

Gill planned to participate in future events to raise funds for the Shine Cancer Support charity and Macmillan Cancer Support. If you wish, you can make a donation to either of these charities through the JustGiving page set up for Gill.

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