Alice Sheppard studied Environmental Science at the University of East Anglia and began training in chemistry teaching before rediscovering astronomy through Galaxy Zoo, whose first discussion forum she led for 5 years. She began writing articles and giving public talks on how ordinary citizens, when equipped with the right tools, can teach each other astronomy and make their own discoveries, such as the Green Peas project.
Alice gained a postgraduate diploma in Astronomy and Astrophysics from Queen Mary University of London in 2014, and often finds herself being approached by scientists planning a project and asking for advice on how to look after volunteers. She has written a chapter for the Ada Lovelace Day book "A Passion for Science" about Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin and her writings for Galaxy Zoo were used in Michael Nielsen's "Reinventing Discovery", arguing for open access in science. Her interests range from galaxies and the interstellar medium to the democratization and history of science, improving the numbers and experience of women in science, and whether citizen science can equip populations to tackle issues such as climate change.
Alice joined ExCiteS in July 2016 as Community Manager, organising the dissemination and public engagement of new citizen science projects.