
UCL Department of Geography


Marcos Moreu

Marcos studied Mechanical Engineering at the University of Lleida, Spain (BSc, 2012). During his undergraduate studies, he collaborated with the NGO Engineering Without Borders in Spain and El Salvador. Between 2013 and 2015 he completed (online and part-time) a PgDip in GIS at Ulster University.

After that, he worked for a UK-based geospatial company and for an international organisation in Kenya on disaster management-related projects. Before joining ExCiteS in November 2018 he completed his MSc Dissertation on Remote Sensing for near-real -ime deforestation monitoring and co-developed the OpenChangeDetectionMap project.

His research is part of the “Extreme Citizen Science: Analysis and Visualisation (ECSAnVis)” project, and focuses on exploring how GNSS-based and satellite imagery-based mapping tools and participatory software design methods can support land users in the creation of land use maps to contribute to reducing inequality in participation in geographic data use and production, with special focus on rural areas in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Marcos' research interests include GIScience (Citizen Science, Participatory GIS and Volunteered Geographical Information), Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI).