
UCL Department of Economics


ECON3018 - Europe: Economic Policy and Structural Change

Term 1


To introduce students to the comparative economic analysis of institutions, structural change, policy and performance in the contemporary European economy.


  • To use aspects of economic theory introduced in the core second year modules to analyze institutional characteristics, structural change and contemporary performance and policy issues
  • To use and evaluate relevant economic statistics, and to identify conflicting and consensual pieces of empirical evidence
  • To identify and analyze similarities and differences within Europe and between European countries and other advanced economies, notably the US
  • To work as a member of a small team in preparing and delivering a joint presentation
  • To write both short and extended reports/essays, which demonstrate knowledge of the relevant economic concepts and evidence and the ability to communicate to an informed but non-technical audience
Taught by:
Wendy Carlin
Assessment: 20 hours of lectures and 4 compulsory smaller group tutorial classes. Assignments will include short answers, essays and verbal presentations. There will be a single 2-hour unseen written examination in Term 3. Affiliate students leaving in December will take a 2-hour written examination set up by the Department at the end of Term 1.
Suitable for:
3rd year Economics (L100), Econ/Geog (LL17), Econ/Stats (LG13) and Phil/Econ (VL51) students.
Prerequisites: This is a “3” level module and makes use of theory covered in the courses ECON2001: Microeconomics and ECON2004: Macroeconomic Theory and Policy. It involves students interpreting empirical analyses, including papers with econometric results, and an interest in doing this is essential. The macroeconomic and labour market analysis threaded through the module uses the fairly standard European model based on imperfect competition in the labour and product markets. If you have done ECON 2004 (B202), you will be familiar with this model and with the Carlin-Soskice terminology. If not, then consult W. Carlin and D. Soskice (2006) Macroeconomics: Imperfections, Institutions and Policies, OUP
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