
Eastman Dental Institute


Implant Dentistry

Implant dentistry

Modern Implant dentistry is constantly evolving and presents with challenges which require new skills sets as well as meeting high patient expectations in the world we live in today.

Implant CPD courses at UCL Eastman Dental Institute cover both introductory and advanced implantology skills. From our two-day overdentures course to our eight-day clinical implant prosthodontics course, we offer a range of implant courses to suit you and the needs of your practice. Our lecturers are a range of clinical academics and visiting specialists, many of whom teach on the Implant Dentistry PG Diploma, guaranteeing you an excellent educational experience.

Courses currently scheduled

There are currently no Implant courses scheduled.

Courses not currently scheduled

Implant Dentistry for Dental Nurses
A one-day course that aims to provide dental nurses with an introduction to implant dentistry. Register your interest.

Implant Dentistry: Bone Grafting using the Guided Bone Regeneration (GBR) Technique
This two-day hands-on course will give you a comprehensive overview of bone grafting for dental implants using the guided bone regeneration technique (GBR). Register your interest

Soft Tissue Management for Dental Implants
This one-day CPD course for dental surgeons is designed to further your understanding of soft-tissue management for dental implants Register your interest.

Implant Dentistry: Bone Grafting using the Guided Bone Regeneration (GBR) Technique
This two-day hands-on course will give you a comprehensive overview of bone grafting for dental implants using the guided bone regeneration technique (GBR). Register your interest.

Implant Dentistry: Fundamental Implant Prosthodontics
This two-day course is for clinicians who want to manage the restoration of dental implants in straightforward cases. Register your interest.

Implant Dentistry: Maxillary Sinus Augmentation
This two day course will provide you with a comprehensive overview of the management of the atrophic posterior maxilla.  Register your interest.

Implant Dentistry: Implant Overdentures
A two day course on the surgical placement and subsequent restoration of dental implants with overdentures. Interactive seminars will be followed by a demonstration of treatment procedures on a live patient. Register your interest.

Implant Dentistry for Dental Nurses: NEBDN Certificate
This course will develop your theoretical knowledge and clinical skills in implant dental nursing and prepare you to sit the NEBDN Dental Implant Nursing examination. Register your interest.

Implant Dentistry Diploma: Study Club
A four day study club for graduates of the Implant Dentistry PG Diploma. Register your interest.

Implant Dentistry: All-on-4 & Immediate Loading
A two day course introducing the All-on-4 concept from start to fitting of a provisional prosthesis in one day including all lab stages. Register your interest.

  • Dr Dev Patel
  • Dr Pareet Shah BDS (Hons)  MFDS RCSEd  MClinDent  MRD RCSEd
    Specialist in Prosthodontics
  • Dr Safa Somi
  • Ms Isis Buffonge

Visiting lecturers

  • Dr Wail Girgis BDS (Lond), MSc Cons (Lond), Specialist in Prosthodontics
  • Dr Rishi D. Patel BDS MFDSRCS (Eng) MS (Loma Linda, California), Specialist in Prosthodontics
  • Dr Kavit Shah BDS, MFDS.RCS, M.Clin.Dent, MRD.RCS, Dental Surgeon, Specialist in Prosthodontics

Our state-of-the-art facilities include two dedicated laboratories for the production of patient devices such as fixed and removable prosthetic devices. There are five clinical skills laboratories containing 90 clinical skills stations equipped with dental manikins allowing trainees to practically and safely refine skills, and work in conditions that mimic real-life practice. Two of our suites are also equipped with dental microscopes to aid identification of anatomical imperfections and the quick detection of enamel and dentine fractures. We also have eight fully equipped clinical rooms for work with real patients, all with disabled access. 


Dr Dev Patel

Programme Director

Anna Titov

Course Administrator