
UCL Earth Sciences


Exploring Careers in Raw Materials on International Day of Education

26 January 2024

"Geology...that's rocks, right???"

Dr. Katie McFall, our Lecturer in Earth Sciences - Economic Geology interview

This video, produced by Critical Productions, highlights Dr. Katie McFall, our Lecturer in Earth Sciences - Economic Geology, among other scientists. In the video, she shares insights into her fascination with the subject and the progression of her professional path.

YouTube Widget Placeholderhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ye0OSXLqVuE

Dive into the diverse world of mineral sciences with professionals sharing their unique journeys, interests, and valuable advice. Don't miss out on the stories that go beyond rocks and find out more about the people shaping the future of this sector.

Meet the passionate individuals shaping the future of raw materials! Critical Productions sat down with professionals in the industry to learn more about their journeys, interests, and to get advice for those considering a career in this sector. From metallurgists to educators, their stories reflect the rich diversity within the raw materials community.
