
UCL @ the Crick



In 2015, the attachments programme was introduced to encourage collaborative working between the Francis Crick Institute and the partner universities. Attachment groups cover a wide spread of disciplines including physical and biophysical, computational and mathematical, and clinical disciplines. UCL researchers have been very successful in the attachments initiative and we currently have 10 groups hosted at the Crick. 

Attachment calls are open to scientists leading their own research groups, and aim to attract people and groups with skills that are complementary to the Crick’s core talents and capabilities and to identify research projects that will best benefit from collaborative working. Applications are welcome from all relevant disciplines including clinical, translational and computational sciences but for this call we are particularly keen to receive applications from researchers in the engineering or physical sciences. A further aim of the attachment scheme is to support training for new group leaders and therefore applications from early career PIs will be prioritised. 

The 2024 attachment call is NOW CLOSED. 

If you'd like to learn more about the scheme and the benefits it could bring to your research, please watch our short video to hear about the experiences of current attachments.

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Don't forget to join us for our Crick-HEI seminar series to hear more about what our attachments are researching at the Crick!