Organisational Culture and Change - grade 8
Example job roles: Organisational Development Consultancy; Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Management, HR Business Partnering
Level: Advanced
Activities and responsibilities likely to be required when working at this level
- Developing and implementing plans to support emerging programmes of change.
- Using data interpretation to inform the local implantation of organisational goals.
- Identifying and delivering on opportunities for individual and team performance development initiatives through diagnostics (Myers Briggs Type Indicators (MBTI), TetraMap) process reviews and sharing good practice (aligned with organisational goals).
- Ensuring that the UCL Ways of Working and core behaviours are embedded within approaches to change.
- Build staff development initiatives (e.g. mentoring, coaching, etc.).
- Identifying issues/knowledge and capacity gaps and coming up with strategic solutions (e.g. readiness for change), assessing risks (e.g. through equality impact assessments) and coming up with mitigating actions (unintended consequences of change, inappropriate behaviours).
- Responsible for reporting on impact of interventions, (two-way comms) consultation meetings, comms strategy and plan; role-modelling flexibility and adaptability to change.
Personal and professional development
Development options to consider when working towards this level
Learning on the job
- Gain experience in working on wider projects and working groups (e.g. cross discipline / cross faculty groups).
- Build your profile and brand through connecting with others and expanding your institutional network.
Learning from others
- Take an active part in leading a Community of Practice project.
- Volunteer time to be a coach/mentor to others and seek out the same for yourself.
- Find opportunities to join wider UCL networks, or a wider institutional project.
- Attend conferences to build up external network and learn about best practice.
- Become a member of AUA (Association of University Administrators)/Advance HE or similar and/or attend activities to better understand the sector.
Formal learning
- Self-paced learning through relevant resources, books and articles, Harvard Business Review, Ted talks; training in appropriate psychometric tools (e.g. MBTI, TetraMap).
- Attend training in change and organisational development methodology.
* You may wish to explore the listed formal training themes / topics on LinkedIn Learning.
Transferable skills and competencies
UCL uses the Universal Competency Framework (UCF) to discuss transferable skills. Find out more details on the framework.
Persuading and influencing
- Making an impact.
- Shaping conversations.
- Appealing to emotions.
- Promoting ideas.
- Negotiating and gaining agreement.
- Dealing with political issues.
Developing results and setting customer expectations
- Focusing on customer needs and satisfaction.
- Setting high standards for quality.
- Monitoring and maintaining quality.
- Working systematically.
- Managing quality processes.
- Maintaining productivity levels.
- Driving projects to success.
Creating and innovating
- Innovating.
- Seeking and introducing change.
UCL Ways of Working
These describe expected behaviours in line with UCL culture and values. For Ways of Working indicators and steps to development please refer to the Ways of Working website.
“Career Pathway roles are indicative and are not intended to be a description of the role in terms of responsibilty and duties.
Job family
Find out more about the Organisational Culture and Change job family.
Other Organisational Culture and Change profiles:
Print versions
Career case studies
Progression can lead to this type of Organisational Culture and Change role

Shalrina Alcantara
HR Business Partner
Human Resources

Vicki Baars
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Manager