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search-total-matching375search-total-matching- Research on tissue mechanics/metabolism (potentially relevant to cancer) awarded significant grants | UCL Division of Biosciences - UCL – University College London
- Humans pass more viruses to other animals than we catch from them | UCL Division of Biosciences - UCL – University College London
- GEE recruits Professor of Ecosystems and Biodiversity Research | UCL Division of Biosciences - UCL – University College London
- £49.35m for mass spectrometry infrastructure | UCL Division of Biosciences - UCL – University College London
- Fatal kuru epidemic and migration in the Eastern Highlands of Papua New Guinea | UCL Division of Biosciences - UCL – University College London
- CDB labs have a raft of papers published early 2024 | UCL Division of Biosciences - UCL – University College London
- Cell division, fishing, Latin and some far eastern languages - Richard Poole's lab combines all! | UCL Division of Biosciences - UCL – University College London
- Professor Susan Evans has 7th fossil organism named after her - and other news | UCL Division of Biosciences - UCL – University College London
- Unravelling the dynamics of small-molecule interactions with intrinsically disordered proteins | UCL Division of Biosciences - UCL – University College London
- NPP Trevor Smart receive the Award of Honorary Fellowship of the British Pharmacological Society | UCL Division of Biosciences - UCL – University College London
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