
UCL Division of Biosciences


Prospective Students

The Division of Biosciences offers a number of degrees at undergraduate level, ranging from broad entry degrees such as Biological Sciences and Biomedical Sciences, to specialised degrees such as Biotechnology or Neuroscience. All students have the opportunity to study in a world class research-led environment.

Cell and Developmental Biology provides teaching for the following programmes.

Undergraduate Degree Programmes

BSc/MSci Biochemistry
BSc/MSci Biological Sciences (including Genetics, Human Genetics, Biodiversity and Conservation and Zoology)
BSc Biomedical Sciences
BSc Biotechnology
MSci Cell Biology (Biomedical Sciences 2nd Year Entry only)
BSc Human Sciences/MSci Human Evolutionary Sciences
BSc Immunology (2nd Year Entry only)
BSc Molecular Biology (2nd Year Entry only)
BSc/MSci Neuroscience
BSc/MSci Pharmacology
BSc Physiology (2nd Year Entry only)
BSc Physiology and Pharmacology (2nd Year Entry only)

Integrated BSc Degree Progammes

The Division of Biosciences is pleased to offer one-year integrated degree programmes to UCL Medical Students:

Human Genetics and Genomics
Physiology and Pharmacology
Anatomy, Cell and Developmental Biology