
The Bartlett


Student rep and staff from The Bartlett win UCL Education / Student Choice Awards

6 June 2018

Following an above-average level of nominations from our students, we are pleased to reveal The Bartlett's winners from the recent UCL awards ceremony.

Provost Michael Arthur addresses the audience at the 2018 UCL Education Awards

The annual UCL Education Awards are an opportunity to reward excellence in teaching across the university. Staff and student representatives are nominated and voted for by students, and we are delighted that once again so many people from The Bartlett were put forward.

The Student Choice Awards, organised by the UCL Students' Union, give all UCL students the chance to nominate staff who have gone the extra mile in a range of categories, from excellent personal tutoring to amazing administrative support.

2018 winners announced

At the awards ceremony on Monday 4 June, the following winners from The Bartlett were announced:

Faculty Academic Rep of the Year

Joanna McLean, 3rd-year student (Architecture BSc), The Bartlett School of Architecture

Joanna has been recognised for her hard work and enthusiasm in supporting the new Bartlett Architecture Student Forum and influencing change in personal tutoring systems and portfolio recommendations and guides.

Provost’s Education Awards 

Elisabete Cidre, Principal Teaching Fellow, Bartlett School of Planning

Elisabete has been instrumental in driving the undergraduate offer of the Bartlett School of Planning forward, completely reshaping and improving all aspects of content and delivery. She is continually improving and seeks out opportunities for innovation, introducing new ways of teaching and helping the students get the most from their time at UCL.

Elisabete is described by her colleagues as “inspired by a student-led ethos that listens to their needs and aspirations to foster an enhanced student experience."

Jane Rendell, Professor, The Bartlett School of Architecture 

Jane has been awarded for her long-term work on ethics in built environment teaching, research and professional practice and her department believes she is a real star! Jane’s pioneering ethical inquiry inspires reflexive, supportive, creative education of the future built environment practitioners and it is precisely this sort of unsung, but vital work that merits recognition with a UCL Education Award.  

The nominations

“It is really pleasing that so many members of the Bartlett’s staff have been nominated by students for the awards this year. A good student experience depends on a lot of people working behind the scenes, and it is nice for this to be recognised. Well done to all!It is really pleasing that so many members of the Bartlett’s staff have been nominated by students for the awards this year. A good student experience depends on a lot of people working behind the scenes, and it is nice for this to be recognised. Well done to all!It is really pleasing that so many members of the Bartlett’s staff have been nominated by students for the awards this year. A good student experience depends on a lot of people working behind the scenes, and it is nice for this to be recognised. Well done to all!It is really pleasing that so many members of the Bartlett’s staff have been nominated by students for the awards this year. A good student experience depends on a lot of people working behind the scenes, and it is nice for this to be recognised. Well done to all!It is really pleasing that so many members of The Bartlett’s staff have been nominated by students for the awards this year. A good student experience depends on a lot of people working behind the scenes, and it is nice for this to be recognised. Well done to all!

Professor Alan Penn, Dean of The Bartlett 

UCL Education Awards 2018

Bartlett nominees

Find out more about the UCL Education Awards

Student Choice Awards

David Roberts (School of Architecture) was shortlisted for the UCL Student Union's awards in the 'Diverse and Inclusive Education' category. The shortlist recognises 24 outstanding staff from across UCL, chosen from 1086 nominations by a panel of student judges – a great achievement in itself.

See the full list Bartlett nominees in each category:

Amazing Support Staff
  • Jenny Post (School of Planning)
  • Judith Hillmore (School of Planning)
  • Lisa Cooper (Bartlett Faculty Office)   
  • Michael Stubbs (Visiting Lecturer)
  • Peter McLennan (School of Planning)
  • Steven Gray (Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis)
Active Student Partnership
  • Barbara Penner (School of Architecture)
  • Elizabeth Cidre (School of Planning)
  • Jane Rendell (School of Architecture)
  • Steven Gray (Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis)
Diverse and Inclusive Education
  • David Roberts (School of Architecture)
  • Kalliopi Fouseki (Institute for Sustainable Heritage)
  • Sophie Read (School of Architecture)
Brilliant Research-Based Education
  • Fani Kostourou (School of Architecture)
Exceptional Feedback
  • Adam Dennett (Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis)
  • Aeli Roberts (School of Construction and Project Management)
  • Claire Colomb (School of Planning)
  • Dan DurRant (School of Planning)
  • Marcella Ucci (Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering)
  • Michelle Shipworth (Energry Institute)
  • Stefano Miraglia (School of Construction and Project Management)
  • Steven Gray (Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis)
  • Teresa Domenech Aparisi (Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering)
  • Thomas Evans (Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis)
  • Thomas Oléron Evans (Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis)
Excellent Personal Tutoring
  • Adam Dennett (Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis)
  • Barbara Penner (School of Architecture)
  • Fani Kostourou (School of Architecture)
  • Jessica Ferm (School of Planning)
  • Michael Short (School of Planning)
  • Nicola Livingstone (School of Planning)
  • Sonia Arbaci (School of Planning)
Inspiring Teaching Delivery
  • Alex Murray (School of Construction and Project Management)
  • Carlos Jiménez Cenamor (School of Architecture)
  • Caroline Rabourdin (School of Architecture)
  • Claire Colomb (School of Planning)
  • David Satterthwaite (Development Planning Unit)
  • Frosso Pimendes (School of Architecture)
  • Jessica Ferm (School of Planning)
  • Julian Walker (Development Planning Unit)
  • Kalliopi Fouseki (Institute for Sustainable Heritage)
  • Kerstin Sailer (School of Architecture)
  • Pascal Bronner (School of Architecture)
  • Peter Wynne Rees (School of Planning)
  • Sophia Psarra (School of Architecture)
  • Sonia Arbaci Sallazzaro (School of Planning)
  • Steven Gray (Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis)
  • Thomas Oléron Evans (Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis)
Outstanding Research Supervision
  • Bob Sheil (School of Architecture)
  • Cliff Elwell (Energy Institute)
  • Jan Kattein (School of Architecture)
  • Julia Tomei (Institute for Sustainable Resources)
  • Marcos Cruz (School of Architecture)
  • Stephen Gage (School of Architecture)

Find out more about the Student Choice Awards on the UCL Students' Union website