In the second and final year of your degree, any module within UCL is open to you, so long as the choice is consistent with your Pathway objectives, and subject to the following important constraints:
- You meet the prerequisites for a module, e.g. you could not do Level 5 modules in History of Art without having passed a relevant Level 4 History of Art module. Please note that although we aim to prepare you for a very wide range of choices in each department, there may be some modules at Levels 5 and 6 which are not available to you because you may not be able to take all of the required prerequisites.
- The modules chosen fit in with the other modules on your timetable. You are expected to attend all scheduled classes for your chosen modules.
- You are fulfilling the degree requirement of taking at least one ‘science’ or ‘quantitative’ module each year and at least one ‘non-science’ and ‘non-quantitative’ module each year. (Note that some modules in the Core are science / quantitative, so if you are taking one of these modules each year in the Core, this would fulfil this part of the degree requirement).
- Your Personal Tutor approves the choice of modules. This is to ensure that you work towards a coherent selection of modules which complement each other and which allow for your best academic progression.
- The class has sufficient space to accept you.
- You are required to progress each year of your degree, so your modules each year should be at the appropriate level, i.e. Level 5 modules in your second year and Level 6 / 7U modules in your final year.
- You've reviewed the additional information below before submitting your course choice form.
- Bartlett modules
It's worth noting that the following modules are never open to students outside of the Bartlett:
- BARC0092 Making Cities: The Production of the Built Environment
- BPLN0070 Planning History and Thought
- BPLN0071 Contemporary Cities
- BPLN0073 Introducing Urban Design: Design Skills
- BPLN0078 Urban Design: Theory to Practice
- BPLN0079 Green Futures
- BPLN0083 Project Work
Bartlett School of Architecture
The following modules are open to BASc students :
- BARC0094 Design and Creative Practice 1
- BARC0095 Architectural Research I
- BARC0100 Computing for Design and Creative Practice
- BARC0103 Project X: Design and Creative Practice 2 (30 credits)
- BARC0104 Project X: Design and Creative Practice 2 (compact, 15 credits)
- BARC0107 Project X: Design and Creative Practice 3 (30 credits)
Bartlett School of Planning modules
The following modules offered are open to BASc students:
- BPLN0069 Introducing Planning Systems
- BPLN0074 Management for Built Environment Professionals I
- BPLN0075 Introduction to Real Estate
- BPLN0080 Cities and Social Change
- BPLN0084 Urban and Environmental Politics
- BPLN0085 Urban Form and Formation
- BPLN0087 Real Estate Economics
- BPLN0088 Development Project: Regeneration
- BPLN0090 Urban Project Management
- BPLN0091 Transport Policy and Planning
- BPLN0096 Real Estate Management
Places on these modules are very limited so if you're interested in taking one of them, you would have to register for them on Portico as soon as possible after module selection opens.
Generally, modules that come under the School of Planning which are either fieldwork based or based in a cluster room are not open to external students.
Bartlett School of Construction and Project Management
Most modules under the School of Construction and Project Management are open to external students. You should note that even though their modules are worth 15 credits, they run across the whole academic year so you would be required to attend all classes for the full duration of the module.
- Child Health modules
Modules offered by the Institute of Child Health, i.e. those that begin with GLBHXXXX, are only open to final year students.
However, there is no guarantee that anybody selecting a Child Health module will have their choice approved, so you should have a back-up in mind if you select one of the GLBHXXXX modules.
- Computer Science modules
BAScers are only permitted to take the Computer Science modules shown below and there are very limited places available on these. We in UASc inform which BASc students should be accepted if more students apply than we have places reserved. Please check the module catalogue for prerequisites for these modules. Modules not included in this list are not open to you.
- COMP0009 Logic
- COMP0014 Intelligent Systems
- COMP0015 Introduction to Programming (no BASc places reserved on this module)
- COMP0017 Computability and Complexity Theory
- COMP0024 Artifical Intelligence and Neural Computing
- COMP0034 Web Development (priority for allocation on this module will go to students who've taken COMP0015 and are also taking COMP0035)
- COMP0035 Systems Engineering (priority for allocation on this module will go to students also taking COMP0034)
- COMP0142 Machine Learning for Domain Specialists (no BASc places reserved on this module)
The following modules will require approval from an External Tutor in the Computer Science department before they will agree to let you take them:
- COMP0017 Computational Complexity
- COMP0024 Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks
- EISPS modules
- BASc students can take the following ESPS-coded modules in 2024/25:
Level 5 (open to second years only)- ESPS0005 EU Law (30 credits)
- ESPS0006 EU Law (15 credits)
- ESPS0007 Principles of Public International Law (30 credits)
- ESPS0008 Principles of Public International Law (15 credits)
- ESPS0009 Law and Governance in Contemporary China
- ESPS0020 Nietzsche
- ESPS0022 Why Democracy?
- ESPS0040 Politics of Japan
- ESPS0042 Healthcare Law and Ethics
- ESPS0044 Ethics and Society
- ESPS0045 Politics of the Middle East: Theories and Practices
- ESPS0046 Introduction to Chinese Culture, Language and Society
- ESPS0047 Topics in Global South Politics and Policy
Level 6 (open to finalists)
- ESPS0013 Hegel
- ESPS0014 Anarchism, Marxism and Beyond
- ESPS0015 Political Economy
- ESPS0017 Ideologies and Political Hegemony
- ESPS0018 Political Violence and Intrastate Conflicts (places are very limited)
- ESPS0019 Republicanism and Identity Politics in France Today
- ESPS0024 Law, Freedom and Morality
- ESPS0025 War and Peace
- ESPS0036 Mandarin for Current Affairs and Politics
- English modules
If, after taking ENGL0005 Introduction to English Literature in year 1 you want to take further English modules in years 2 and 3, you must meet both of the following criteria:
- You achieve a 2.1 mark (60) in both essays for ENGL0005 Introduction to English Literature
- For all years: you take a full 30 credit module which is assessed by a final exam. You will still have to submit one tutorial essay in the course of each term, but these would be used as formative as opposed to summative means of assessment.
The English department alternate the modules they offer each year, so those that were available in 2024/25 will not be available again until 2026/27
- Language choices
You are only permitted to change your Core language under one of the following rules:
- You must progress in language level every year, including during your year abroad if a year abroad forms part of your programme.
- You can change language once during your programme, but such changes must adhere to rule 1. Such a change must involve your being assessed by CLIE and approved for the new language course. Changes made at the end of the second year must see the new language taken at a minimum of Level 2. Changes at the start of year 3 or 4 must be at a minimum of Level 3.
- In the rare event a suitable language course (invariably at the higher levels) is not offered by CLIE or SSEES, and on approval by both the Departmental Tutor and Chair of Exams, you can change to another language course at FHEQ Level 6 (or above) having taken a course at FHEQ level 6 in the previous year. [Very occasionally at the very highest CLIE language levels, due to low demand, CLIE courses may not be available. Some SSEES languages (excluding Russian) are also only available up to Level C so would require a change in the final year for students on the year abroad programme when they return for their final year.]
Students returning from their year abroad
If you spend a year studying abroad or completing an traineeship, you are required to go up at least two levels from the end of your second year when you return for your final year. For example, if you complete level 3 at the end of your second year, you must register for at least level 5 in your final year. This is because you are required to continue your language study whilst abroad, even if you have gone to a country in which your Core language is not spoken.
As a reminder, you can only take one 15 credit module in your Core language each year.
- Laws modules
If you want to study modules taught by the Faculty of Laws in Year 2 or later, you must meet the following criteria:
- Year 1 to Year 2 - BASc students must have achieved a 2:1 performance in their first year (i.e. at least 60% average with no failures) and at least 60% in the BASC0057 (previously coded LAWS0009) Law in Action module in order to be admitted onto an LLB module in their second year.
- Final-year optional LLB modules will only be open to BASc students who are moving from Year 2 into Year 3 who have studied and passed a LAWS-coded module in their second-year or a Laws module at their overseas host institution. Please note that ESPS-coded law modules do not meet the prerequisite requirement to take a LAWS-coded module in your final year.
- Politics modules
You are not permitted to take either of the following POLS modules as they're too similar to BASC0002 and BASC0003:
- POLS0008 Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods
- POLS0010 Introduction to Data Analysis
In addition, any of the POLS-coded modules under the Q-Step programme are not open to BAScers.
- SELCS modules
We have places reserved for BASc students on the following SELCS modules. Please check the module catalogue for any prerequisites for these modules.
Level 4 (open to first years only)
- DUTC0003 Born out of Rebellion: The Netherlands from the Dutch Revolt to the Eve of World War I
- ELCS0002 How to Read Film: Critical Analysis and Key Concepts
- ELCS0003 Understanding History: Facts, Interpretations, Stories
- ELCS0004 Introduction to the Study of Language and Linguistics
- FREN0008 French Film (requires A Level or equivalent in French)
- LITC0027 Canons and Creativity: Period, Context, Text
Level 5 (open to second years only)
- DUTC0008 Multiculturalism and Identity
- ELCS0032 Nationalism and Ethnicity in Contemporary Europe
- ELCS0033 Utopias and Dystopias in Literature
- ELCS0035 Theatre Translations and Adaptations
- ELCS0036 Topics in Film Studies 1
- ELCS0037 Topics in Film Studies 2
- ELCS0038 Aspects of European Thought
- ELCS0039 Cultures of Conflict
- ELCS0040 Post-1945 European Literature
- ELCS0042 Topics in Linguistics I
- ELCS0043 Topics in Linguistics II
- ELCS0044 Translation and Intercultural Dialogue (not running in 2024/25)
- ELCS0045 Topics in History
- ELCS0047 Topics in Visual Representation
- FREN0009 An Introduction to Literary Theory (requires A Level or equivalent in French)
- FREN0013 Enlightenment and the Revolution: the 18th Century
- FREN0014 Romanticism and Modernity: the 19th Century
- FREN0015 Exploration of Self and Form: The Contemporary Period (requires post A Level French)
- GERM0010 Aspects of Twentieth Century German History (normally requires intermediate / post ab-initio German)
- GERM0015 The Challenge of Modernity: Literature and Culture 1870-Present (normally requires intermediate / post ab-initio German)
- SCAN0023 Nordic Literature in Context
Level 6 (open to second years and finalists, but priority for the reserved spaces will go to finalists)
- DUTC0010 The Contemporary in Dutch Literature
- ELCS0006 Historical Topics I: Music, Nations, Society
- ELCS0009 Legacies of the Holocaust in Europe
- ELCS0017 Sequential Art as a Form of Engagement
- ELCS0020 Dangerous Bodies and Lady Killers: Criminality and Gender in 19th Century European Culture and History
- ELCS0029 Manufacturing Consent: Media and the Making of the Modern World
- ELCS0031 From Futurism to Surrealism: European Avant-Gardes Before and After the First World War
- FREN0025 Dominating Texts: Literary Power Relations in 20th Century Writing (normally requires advanced French)
- FREN0039 Gender, Race and Sexuality (normally requires advanced French)
- SPAN0042 Spanish Film from the 1990s: New Ways of Seeing (II) (normally requires advanced Spanish)
It is your responsibility to engage with the module selection process. We cannot guarantee your acceptance onto your first choice pathway modules but early engagement with module selection maximises your chances of success. You will be informed as soon as possible if you are rejected from any of your first choice modules and advised to select an alternative. In exceptional cases, if no suitable alternative is available from within UCL, you may be able to find an appropriate module at one of the other University of London colleges. If you have any problems with module selection you should contact your Personal Tutor and Angela Vaughn, the Departmental Administrator, for support.
Second year course choices
The structure for Year 2 means that you can select modules to fit any one of the following example combinations:
One core + two electives + language + 3 major + 1 minor = 120 credits |
One core + two electives + language + 2 major + 2 minor = 120 credits |
One core + one elective + language + 4 major + 1 minor = 120 credits |
One core + one elective + language + 3 major + 2 minor = 120 credits |
Two core + one elective + language + 3 major + 1 minor = 120 credits |
Module descriptions for the Core and Interdisciplinary Electives can be found online.
Suggested second year modules available under each pathway can be below:
Final year course choices
The structure for your final year means that you can select modules to fit any one of the following example combinations:
Knowledge Economy + dissertation + language + 3 major + 1 minor = 120 credits |
Knowledge Economy + dissertation + language + 2 major + 2 minor = 120 credits |
Knowledge Economy + dissertation + language + 2 major + 1 minor (worth 30 credits) = 120 credits |
Knowledge Economy + dissertation + language + 1 major (worth 30 credits) + 2 minor = 120 credits |
Module descriptions for the Core and Interdisciplinary Electives can be found online.
Suggested final year modules available under each pathway can be below: